Appendix B to Part 682 - Student Status Confirmation Report  

Latest version.
  • This appendix sets forth the required format and data elements for guarantee agencies to use in implementing a manual or automated Student Status Confirmation Report system as required by § 682.401(b)(18).

    Student Status Confirmation Report DATE: MM/DD/YY GUARANTOR/INSTITUTION CODE: (must accommodate eight numeric characters) GUARANTOR/INSTITUTION NAME: SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERNAME PERMANENT ADDRESS CORRECTIONCORRECTION CORRECTION *STATUSEFFECTIVE DATE ANTICIPATED GRADUATION DATE CORRECTION *The valid enrollment status codes are as follows: F=Full-time H=Half-time or more but less than full-time. L=Less than half-time. This code is used to specify students enrolled less than half-time. X=Never attended the institution. This code is to specify those individuals on whose behalf a Stafford, SLS, or PLUS loan was made who enrolled in school but never attended classes. Z=No record found. A thorough search of the institution's enrolled records revealed no information for this individual. D=Deceased A=Approved leave of absence G=Graduated W=Withdrawn COMPLETED BY: NAME TITLE TELEPHONE NUMBER CERTIFICATION DATE

    The following definitions apply to the SSCR data elements.

    Data elementDefinitionDate: MM/DD/YY Date report is run and considered to be issued to school.Social security number Valid 9-digit SSN assigned by Social Security Administration to student borrower or student on whose behalf a PLUS loan was borrowed.Name Last name, first name and middle initial of student borrower or student on whose behalf a PLUS loan was borrowed.Address Last known permanent address of student.Anticipated graduation date Date recorded on agency's system. Please note any corrections to this date.Effective date Effective date of status reported, as follows:Full-time status, no record found and never attended—the report certification date.Half-time status—(1) the date the student dropped below full-time, or (2) if half-time status is the original enrollment status, the report certification date.Less than half-time status—the date the student dropped below half-time.Leave of absence—the date the student began a leave of absence approved in accordance with § 682.605(c).Graduated—the date the student completed the course requirements (not the date of the presentation of the diploma).Withdrawn—the date the student officially withdrew as determined by the school in accordance with § 682.605(b).Certification date The date the institution completed the SSCR.Other information Please note any corrections to SSN, name, or permanent address of which you are aware. Please note the effective date of this information to avoid replacing newer information with old.