§ 200.70 - Allocation of funds to LEAs in general.  

Latest version.
  • § 200.70 Reservation Allocation of funds by an LEA.

    Before allocating funds in accordance with § 200.78, an LEA must reserve funds as are reasonable and necessary to -

    (a) Provide services comparable to those provided to children in participating school attendance areas and schools to serve -

    (1) Homeless children who do not attend participating schools, including providing educationally related support services to children in shelters and other locations where homeless children may live;

    (2) Children in local institutions for neglected children; and

    (3) If appropriate -

    (i) Children in local institutions for delinquent children; and

    (ii) Neglected and delinquent children in community-day school programs;

    (b) Provide, where appropriate under section 1113(c)(4) of the ESEA, financial incentives and rewards to teachers who serve students in Title I schools identified for school improvement, corrective action, and restructuring for the purpose of attracting and retaining qualified and effective teachers;

    (c) Meet the requirements for choice-related transportation and supplemental educational services in § 200.48, unless the LEA meets these requirements with non-Title I funds;

    (d) Address the professional development needs of instructional staff, including -

    (1) Professional development requirements under § 200.52(a)(3)(iii) if the LEA has been identified for improvement or corrective action; and

    (2) Professional development expenditure requirements under § 200.60;

    (e) Meet the requirements for parental involvement in section 1118(a)(3) of the ESEA;

    (f) Administer programs for public and private school children under this part, including special capital expenses, if any, incurred in providing services to eligible private school children, such as -

    (1) The purchase and lease of real and personal property (including mobile educational units and neutral sites);

    (2) Insurance and maintenance costs;

    (3) Transportation; and

    (4) Other comparable goods and services, including non-instructional computer technicians; and

    (g) Conduct other authorized activities, such as school improvement and coordinated services

    to LEAs in general.

    (a) The Secretary allocates basic grants, concentration grants, targeted grants, and education finance incentive grants, through SEAs, to each eligible LEA for which the Bureau of the Census has provided data on the number of children from low-income families residing in the school attendance areas of the LEA (hereinafter referred to as the “Census list”).

    (b) In establishing eligibility and allocating funds under paragraph (a) of this section, the Secretary counts children ages 5 to 17, inclusive (hereinafter referred to as “formula children”)—

    (1) From families below the poverty level based on the most recent satisfactory data available from the Bureau of the Census;

    (2) From families above the poverty level receiving assistance under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program under Title IV of the Social Security Act;

    (3) Being supported in foster homes with public funds; and

    (4) Residing in local institutions for neglected children.

    (c) Except as provided in §§ 200.72, 200.75, and 200.100, an SEA may not change the Secretary's allocation to any LEA that serves an area with a total census population of at least 20,000 persons.

    (d) In accordance with § 200.74, an SEA may use an alternative method, approved by the Secretary, to distribute the State's share of basic grants, concentration grants, targeted grants, and education finance incentive grants to LEAs that serve an area with a total census population of less than 20,000 persons.

    [67 FR 71735, Dec. 2, 2002. Redesignated at 81 FR 86242, Nov. 29, 2016

    [82 FR 31710, July 7, 2017]