Part 206 - Special Educational Programs for Students Whose Families Are Engaged in Migrant and Other Seasonal Farmwork - High School Equivalency Program and College Assistance Migrant Program  

Subpart A - General
§ 206.1 - What are the special educational programs for students whose families are engaged in migrant and other seasonal farmwork?
§ 206.2 - Who is eligible to participate as a grantee?
§ 206.3 - Who is eligible to participate in a project?
§ 206.4 - What regulations apply to these programs?
§ 206.5 - What definitions apply to these programs?
Subpart B - What Kinds of Activities Does the Secretary Assist Under These Programs?
§ 206.10 - What types of services may be provided?
§ 206.11 - What types of CAMP services must be provided?
Subpart C - How Does One Apply for a Grant?
§ 206.20 - What must be included in an application?
Subpart D - How Does the Secretary Make a Grant to an Applicant?
§ 206.30 - How does the Secretary evaluate an application?
§ 206.31 - How does the Secretary evaluate points for prior experience for HEP and CAMP service delivery?
Subpart E - What Conditions Must Be Met by a Grantee?
§ 206.40 - What restrictions are there on expenditures?