§ 299.15 - Consultation and performance management.  

Latest version.
  • § 299.15 Consultation and performance management.

    (a) Consultation. In its consolidated State plan, each SEA must describe how it engaged in timely and meaningful consultation consistent with § 299.13(b) with stakeholders in the development of the four components identified in §§ 299.16 through 299.19 of its consolidated plan. The stakeholders must include, at a minimum, the following individuals and entities and must reflect the geographic diversity of the State:

    (1) The Governor, or appropriate officials from the Governor's office;

    (2) Members of the State legislature;

    (3) Members of the State board of education (if applicable);

    (4) LEAs, including LEAs in rural areas;

    (5) Representatives of Indian tribes located in the State;

    (6) Teachers, principals, other school leaders, paraprofessionals, specialized instructional support personnel, and organizations representing such individuals;

    (7) Charter school leaders, if applicable;

    (8) Parents and families;

    (9) Community-based organizations;

    (10) Civil rights organizations, including those representing students with disabilities, English learners, and other historically underserved students;

    (11) Institutions of higher education (IHEs);

    (12) Employers;

    (13) Representatives of private school students;

    (14) Early childhood educators and leaders; and

    (15) The public.

    (b) Performance management and technical assistance. In its consolidated State plan, each SEA must describe its system of performance management of SEA and LEA plans consistent with its consolidated State plan. This description must include -

    (1) The SEA's process for supporting the development, review, and approval of the activities in LEA plans in accordance with statutory and regulatory requirements, which should address how the SEA will determine if LEA activities are aligned with the specific needs of the LEA and the SEA's strategies described in its consolidated State plan.

    (2) The SEA's plan to -

    (i) Collect and use data and information, which may include input from stakeholders and data collected and reported under section 1111(h) of the Act, to assess the quality of SEA and LEA implementation of strategies and progress toward meeting the desired program outcomes;

    (ii) Monitor SEA and LEA implementation of included programs using the data in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section to ensure compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements; and

    (iii) Continuously improve SEA and LEA plans and implementation; and

    (3) The SEA's plan to provide differentiated technical assistance to LEAs and schools to support effective implementation of SEA, LEA, and other subgrantee strategies.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0576)