§ 300.281 - Notice.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The SEA shall provide adequate notice to the general public of the public hearings.

    (b) The notice must be in sufficient detail to inform the general public about—

    (1) The purpose and scope of the State policies and procedures and their relation to Part B of the Act;

    (2) The availability of the State policies and procedures;

    (3) The date, time, and location of each public hearing;

    (4) The procedures for submitting written comments about the policies and procedures; and

    (5) The timetable for submitting the policies and procedures to the Secretary for approval.

    (c) The notice must be published or announced—

    (1) In newspapers or other media, or both, with circulation adequate to notify the general public about the hearings; and

    (2) Enough in advance of the date of the hearings to afford interested parties throughout the State a reasonable opportunity to participate.