§ 300.522 - Determination of setting.  

Latest version.
  • (a) General. The interim alternative educational setting referred to in § 300.520(a)(2) must be determined by the IEP team.

    (b) Additional requirements. Any interim alternative educational setting in which a child is placed under §§ 300.520(a)(2) or 300.521 must—

    (1) Be selected so as to enable the child to continue to progress in the general curriculum, although in another setting, and to continue to receive those services and modifications, including those described in the child's current IEP, that will enable the child to meet the goals set out in that IEP; and

    (2) Include services and modifications to address the behavior described in §§ 300.520(a)(2) or 300.521, that are designed to prevent the behavior from recurring.