Subpart F - Monitoring, Enforcement, Confidentiality, and Program Information  

Monitoring, Technical Assistance, and Enforcement
§ 300.600 - State monitoring and enforcement.
§ 300.601 - State performance plans and data collection.
§ 300.602 - State use of targets and reporting.
§ 300.603 - Secretary's review and determination regarding State performance.
§ 300.604 - Enforcement.
§ 300.605 - Withholding funds.
§ 300.606 - Public attention.
§ 300.607 - Divided State agency responsibility.
§ 300.608 - State enforcement.
§ 300.609 - Rule of construction.
Use of Funds
Reports - Program Information
§ 300.640 - Annual report of children served - report requirement.
§ 300.641 - Annual report of children served - information required in the report.
§ 300.642 - Data reporting.
§ 300.643 - Annual report of children served - certification.
§ 300.644 - Annual report of children served - criteria for counting children.
§ 300.645 - Annual report of children served - other responsibilities of the SEA.
§ 300.646 - Disproportionality.
§ 300.647 - Determining significant disproportionality.
State Complaint Procedures
§ 300.660 - Adoption of State complaint procedures.
§ 300.661 - Minimum State complaint procedures.
§ 300.662 - Filing a complaint.
State Advisory Panel
§ 300.650 - Establishment of advisory panels.
§ 300.651 - Membership.
§ 300.652 - Advisory panel functions.
§ 300.653 - Advisory panel procedures.
Reports—Program Information
Confidentiality of Information
§ 300.610 - Confidentiality.
§ 300.611 - Definitions.
§ 300.612 - Notice to parents.
§ 300.613 - Access rights.
§ 300.614 - Record of access.
§ 300.615 - Records on more than one child.
§ 300.616 - List of types and locations of information.
§ 300.617 - Fees.
§ 300.618 - Amendment of records at parent's request.
§ 300.619 - Opportunity for a hearing.
§ 300.620 - Result of hearing.
§ 300.621 - Hearing procedures.
§ 300.622 - Consent.
§ 300.623 - Safeguards.
§ 300.624 - Destruction of information.
§ 300.625 - Children's rights.
§ 300.626 - Enforcement.
§ 300.627 - Department use of personally identifiable information.