§ 345.53 - What are the requirements for grantee participation in the Secretary's progress assessments?  

Latest version.
  • Recipients of development grants shall participate in the Secretary's assessment of the extent to which States are making significant progress by—

    (a) Participating in the on-site monitoring visits that will be made to each grantee during the final year of the development grant;

    (b) Participating in an on-site monitoring visit, that is in addition to the visit in paragraph (a), if the State applies for a second extension grant and whose initial on-site visit occurred prior to the date of the enactment of the Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act Amendments of 1994, unless the Secretary determines that the visit is not necessary.

    (c) Providing written evaluations of the State's progress toward fulfilling its goals and the objectives of the project, and such other documents as the Secretary may reasonably require to complete the required assessment.