Part 356 - Disability and Rehabilitation Research: Research Fellowships  

Subpart A - General
§ 356.1 - What is the Research Fellowships Program?
§ 356.2 - Who is eligible for assistance under this program?
§ 356.3 - What regulations apply to this program?
§ 356.4 - What definitions apply to this program?
Subpart B - What Kinds of Activities Does the Department Support Under This Program?
§ 356.10 - What types of activities are authorized?
§ 356.11 - What types of problems may be researched under the fellowship program?
Subpart C - How Does One Apply for Assistance Under This Program?
§ 356.20 - What are the application procedures under this part?
§ 356.21 - What is the fellowship review process?
Subpart D - How Does the Secretary Select a Fellow?
§ 356.30 - What selection criteria are used for this program?
§ 356.31 - How does the Secretary evaluate an application under this part?
§ 356.32 - What are the special considerations in selecting applications for funding under this part?
Subpart E - What Conditions Have To Be Met by a Fellow?
§ 356.40 - What is the length of a Fellowship award?
§ 356.41 - What are the employment limitations during a fellowship period?
§ 356.42 - What acknowledgement of support is required?
Subpart F - What are the Administrative Responsibilities of a Fellow?
§ 356.50 - What kinds of payments are allowed under this program?
§ 356.51 - What reports are required?
§ 356.52 - Are there other requirements?