§ 364.12 - How does the Secretary approve State plans?  

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  • § 364.12 How does the Secretary approve State plans?

    (a) General. The Secretary approves a State plan that the Secretary determines meets the requirements of section 704 of the Act and subparts B through D of this part and disapproves a plan that does not meet these requirements.

    (b) Informal resolution. If the Secretary intends to disapprove the State plan, the Secretary attempts to resolve disputed issues informally with State officials.

    (c) Notice of formal hearing. If, after reasonable effort has been made to resolve the dispute informally, no resolution has been reached, the Secretary provides written notice to the DSU and the SILC of the intention to disapprove the State plan and of the opportunity for a hearing.

    (d) Hearing.

    (1) If the DSU requests a hearing, the Secretary designates one or more individuals, either from the Department or elsewhere, not responsible for or connected with the Department's administration of the programs authorized by title VII of the Act, to conduct a hearing.

    (2) If more than one individual is designated, the Secretary designates one of those individuals as the Chief Hearing Official of the Hearing Panel. If one individual is designated, that individual is the Hearing Official.

    (e) Judicial review. A State may appeal the Secretary's decision to disapprove its State plan by filing a petition for review with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the circuit in which the State is located, in accordance with section 107(d) of the Act.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1820-0527)