Subpart C - What Are the State Plan Requirements?  

§ 364.20 - What are the general requirements for a State plan?
§ 364.21 - What are the requirements for the Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC)?
§ 364.22 - What is the State's responsibility for administration of the programs authorized by chapter 1 of title VII?
§ 364.23 - What are the staffing requirements?
§ 364.24 - What assurances are required for staff development?
§ 364.25 - What are the requirements for a statewide network of centers for independent living?
§ 364.26 - What are the requirements for cooperation, coordination, and working relationships?
§ 364.27 - What are the requirements for coordinating Independent Living (IL) services?
§ 364.28 - What requirements relate to IL services for older individuals who are blind?
§ 364.29 - What are the requirements for coordinating Federal and State sources of funding?
§ 364.30 - What notice must be given about the Client Assistance Program (CAP)?
§ 364.31 - What are the affirmative action requirements?
§ 364.32 - What are the requirements for outreach?
§ 364.33 - What is required to meet minority needs?
§ 364.34 - What are the fiscal and accounting requirements?
§ 364.35 - What records must be maintained?
§ 364.36 - What are the reporting requirements?
§ 364.37 - What access to records must be provided?
§ 364.38 - What methods of evaluation must the State plan include?
§ 364.39 - What requirements apply to the administration of grants under the Centers for Independent Living program?
§ 364.40 - Who is eligible to receive IL services?
§ 364.41 - What assurances must be included regarding eligibility?
§ 364.42 - What objectives and information must be included in the State plan?
§ 364.43 - What requirements apply to the provision of State IL services?