§ 366.44 - How does a center appeal a decision included in a Director's initial written notice or a Director's final written decision?  

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  • § 366.44 How does a center appeal a decision included in a Director's initial written notice or a Director's final written decision?

    (a) To obtain the Secretary's review of a Director's final written decision to disapprove a center's corrective action plan submitted pursuant to § 366.40(b), the center shall file, within 30 days from receipt of the Director's final written decision, a formal written appeal with the Secretary giving the reasons why the center believes that the Director should have approved the center's corrective action plan. (Cross-reference: See § 366.42.)

    (b) To obtain the Secretary's review of a decision described in a Director's initial written notice, a center that does not submit a corrective action plan to a Director shall file, in accordance with paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, a formal written appeal with the Secretary giving the reasons why the center believes that the Director should have found the center in compliance with the standards and assurances in section 725 (b) and (c) of the Act and subparts F and G of this part.

    (c) To appeal to the Secretary a decision described in a Director's initial written notice or a Director's final written decision to disapprove a center's corrective action plan and to terminate or take other significant adverse action, a center shall file with the Secretary -

    (1) A formal written appeal -

    (i) On or after the 90th day but not later than the 120th day following a center's receipt of a Director's initial written notice; or

    (ii) On or before the 30th day after a center's receipt of the Director's final written decision to disapprove a center's corrective action plan and to terminate or take other significant adverse action;

    (2) A copy of the corrective action plan, if any, submitted to the Director; and

    (3) One copy each of any other written submissions sent to the Director in response to the Director's initial written notice to terminate funds or take other significant adverse action against the center.

    (d) The date of filing a formal written appeal to the Secretary under paragraph (c) of this section is determined in a manner consistent with the requirements of 34 CFR 81.12.

    (e) If the center files a formal written appeal with the Secretary, the center shall send a separate copy of this appeal to the Director by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or other means that provide a record that the Director received a separate copy of the center's written appeal.

    (f) The center's formal written appeal to the Secretary must state why -

    (1) The Director has not met the burden of showing that the center is not in compliance with the standards and assurances in section 725 (b) and (c) of the Act and in subparts F and G of this part;

    (2) The corrective action plan, if any, should have been approved; or

    (3) The Director has not met the procedural requirements of §§ 366.40 through 366.45.

    (g) As part of its submissions under this section, the center may request an informal meeting with the Secretary at which representatives of both parties will have an opportunity to present their views on the issues raised in the appeal.

    (h) A Director's decision to terminate funds that is described in an initial written notice or final written decision is stayed as of the date (determined pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section) that the center files a formal written appeal with the Secretary.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1820-0018)