Subpart A - General
§ 379.1 - What is the Projects With Industry (PWI) program?
§ 379.2 - Who is eligible for a grant award under this program?
§ 379.3 - Who is eligible for services under this program?
§ 379.4 - What regulations apply?
§ 379.5 - What definitions apply?
Subpart B - What Kinds of Activities Does the Department of Education Assist Under This Program?
§ 379.10 - What types of project activities are required of each grantee under this program?
§ 379.11 - What additional types of project activities may be authorized under this program?
Subpart C - How Does One Apply for an Award?
§ 379.20 - How does an eligible entity apply for an award?
§ 379.21 - What is the content of an application for an award?
§ 379.22 - What are the application procedures for this program?
Subpart D - How Does the Secretary Make a Grant?
§ 379.30 - What selection criteria does the Secretary use under this program?
§ 379.31 - What other factors does the Secretary consider in reviewing an application?
Subpart E - What Conditions Must Be Met by a Grantee?
§ 379.40 - What are the matching requirements?
§ 379.41 - What are allowable costs?
§ 379.42 - What are the special requirements pertaining to the Client Assistance Program?
§ 379.43 - What are the special requirements pertaining to the protection, use, and release of personal information?
§ 379.44 - What are the requirements for a continuation award?
§ 379.45 - What are the additional reporting requirements?
Subpart F - What Compliance Indicator Requirements Must a Grantee Meet To Receive Continuation Funding?
§ 379.50 - What are the requirements for continuation funding?
§ 379.51 - What are the program compliance indicators?
§ 379.52 - How is grantee performance measured using the compliance indicators?
§ 379.53 - What are the minimum performance levels for each compliance indicator?
§ 379.54 - What are the reporting requirements for the compliance indicators?
Appendix A to Part 379 - Evaluation Standards
Appendix B to Part 379 - Presumption of Eligibility
Appendix C to Part 379 - Calculating Required Matching Amount