§ 403.13 - What are the personnel requirements regarding the elimination of sex discrimination and sex stereotyping?  

Latest version.
  • § 403.13 What are the personnel requirements regarding the elimination of sex discrimination and sex stereotyping?

    (a) A State that desires to participate in the State Vocational and Applied Technology Education Program shall assign one individual, within the appropriate agency established or designated by the State board under § 403.12(c), to administer vocational education programs within the State, to work full-time to assist the State board to fulfill the purposes of the Act by -

    (1) Administering the program of vocational education for single parents, displaced homemakers, and single pregnant women described in § 403.81, and the sex equity program described in § 403.91;

    (2) Gathering, analyzing, and disseminating data on the -

    (i) Adequacy and effectiveness of vocational education programs in the State in meeting the education and employment needs of women, including the preparation of women for employment in technical occupations, new and emerging occupational fields, and occupations regarded as nontraditional for women; and

    (ii) Status of men and women students and employees in the programs described in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section;

    (3) Reviewing and commenting upon, and making recommendations concerning, the plans of local educational agencies, area vocational education schools, intermediate educational agencies, and postsecondary educational institutions to ensure that the needs of women and men for training in nontraditional jobs are met;


    (i) Reviewing vocational educational programs, including career guidance and counseling, for sex stereotyping and sex bias, with particular attention to practices that tend to inhibit the entry of women in high technology occupations; and

    (ii) Submitting recommendations, to the State board for inclusion in the State plan, for programs and policies to overcome sex bias and sex stereotyping in the programs described in paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this section;

    (5) Submitting to the State board an assessment of the State's progress in meeting the purposes of the Act with regard to overcoming sex discrimination and sex stereotyping;

    (6) Reviewing proposed actions on grants, contracts, and the policies of the State board to ensure that the needs of women are addressed in the administration of the Act;

    (7) Developing recommendations for programs of information and outreach to women concerning vocational education and employment opportunities for women, including opportunities for careers as technicians and skilled workers in technical fields and new and emerging occupational fields;

    (8) Providing technical assistance and advice to local educational agencies, postsecondary institutions, and other interested parties in the State on expanding vocational opportunities for women;

    (9) Assisting administrators, instructors, and counselors in implementing programs and activities to increase access for women, including displaced homemakers and single heads of households, to vocational education and to increase male and female students' enrollment in nontraditional programs;

    (10) Developing an annual plan for the use of all funds available for programs described in §§ 403.81 and 403.91;

    (11) Managing the distribution of funds pursuant to §§ 403.81 and 403.91;

    (12) Monitoring the use of funds distributed to recipients under §§ 403.81 and 403.91;

    (13) Evaluating the effectiveness of programs and activities supported by funds under §§ 403.81 and 403.91;

    (14) On a competitive basis, allocating and distributing to eligible recipients or community-based organizations subgrants or contracts to carry out the Programs for Single Parents, Displaced Homemakers, and Single Pregnant Women and the Sex Equity Program;

    (15) Ensuring that each subgrant or contract awarded under the Programs for Single Parents, Displaced Homemakers, and Single Pregnant Women and the Sex Equity Program is of sufficient size, scope, and quality to be effective;

    (16) Developing procedures for the collection from eligible recipients or community-based organizations that receive funds under §§ 403.81 and 403.91 of data appropriate to the individuals served in programs under §§ 403.81 and 403.91 in order to permit an evaluation of effectiveness of those programs as required by paragraph (a)(13) of this section; and

    (17) Cooperating in the elimination of sex bias and sex stereotyping in Consumer and Homemaking Education Programs.

    (b) A State shall, in accordance with § 403.180(b)(4)(i), reserve at least $60,000 to carry out the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, including the provision of necessary and reasonable staff support.

    (c) For the purposes of this section, the term “State” includes only the fifty States and the District of Columbia.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under Control No. 1830-0030)