§ 403.191 - What are the requirements for program evaluation?  

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  • § 403.191 What are the requirements for program evaluation?


    (1) Beginning in the 1992-1993 school year, each recipient of financial assistance under § 403.112, § 403.113, or § 403.116 shall evaluate annually the effectiveness of the particular projects, services, and activities receiving assistance under a basic program listed in § 403.60, or a special program listed in § 403.130, unless the State board determines pursuant to § 403.201(a)(3) that a broader evaluation is required. A recipient may conduct the evaluation required under this paragraph by evaluating either the entire population of participants or a representative sample of participants.

    (2) The annual evaluation must be based on the standards and measures developed by the State board in accordance with §§ 403.201 and 403.202, including any modifications made by the recipient in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.


    (1) Each recipient may modify the State standards and measures based on -

    (i) Economic, geographic, or demographic factors; or

    (ii) The characteristics of the populations to be served.

    (2) Modifications must conform to the assessment criteria contained in the State plan.

    (c) Each recipient, as part of the annual evaluation required in paragraph (a) of this section, and with the full participation of representatives of special populations, shall -

    (1) Identify and adopt strategies to overcome barriers that are resulting in lower rates of access to, or success in, vocational education programs for members of special populations; and

    (2) Evaluate the progress of individuals who are members of special populations.

    (d) Each recipient, as a part of the annual evaluation required in paragraph (a) of this section, shall evaluate its progress in providing vocational education students with strong experience in and understanding of all aspects of the industries the students are preparing to enter.

    (e) Each recipient may use funds awarded under a basic program listed in § 403.60 or a special program listed in § 403.130 to support the cost of conducting the evaluation required under paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section to the extent that the costs are -

    (1) Reasonable and necessary;

    (2) Related to the purposes for which the funds were awarded; and

    (3) Consistent with applicable requirements, such as the requirement in § 403.196 to use funds awarded under title II of the Act to supplement, and not to supplant, State and local funds.