§ 403.32 - What must the State plan contain?  

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  • § 403.32 What must the State plan contain?

    (a) Assurances. To participate in the programs authorized under the State Vocational and Applied Technology Program, the State shall, in its State plan, provide assurances that -

    (1) The State board will comply with the applicable requirements of titles I, II, III, and V of the Act and regulations implementing those requirements (including the maintenance of fiscal effort requirement in § 403.182);

    (2) Eligible recipients will comply with the requirements of titles I, II, III, and V of the Act and the regulations implementing those requirements;

    (3) The State board will develop measurable goals and accountability measures for meeting the needs of individuals who are members of special populations;

    (4) The State board will conduct adequate monitoring of projects, services, and activities conducted by eligible recipients to ensure that the eligible recipients are meeting the goals described in paragraph (a)(3) of this section;

    (5) To the extent consistent with the number and location of individuals who are members of special populations enrolled in private secondary schools, the State will provide for the participation of those individuals in the vocational education projects, services, and activities assisted under §§ 403.112 and 403.113;

    Cross Reference:

    See 34 CFR 76.650-76.662, Participation of Students Enrolled in Private Schools.

    (6) The State will comply with the provisions of § 403.180, and will distribute all of the funds reserved for the Secondary School Vocational Education Program and the Postsecondary and Adult Vocational Education Programs to eligible recipients pursuant to §§ 403.112, 403.113, and 403.116;

    (7) The State will develop and implement a system of standards for performance and measures of performance for vocational education programs at the State level that meets the requirements of §§ 403.201 and 403.202;

    (8) In the use of funds available for programs for single parents, displaced homemakers, or single pregnant women under § 403.81, the State will -

    (i) Emphasize assisting individuals with the greatest financial need; and

    (ii) Give special consideration to displaced homemakers who, because of divorce, separation, or the death or disability of a spouse, must prepare for paid employment;

    (9) The State will furnish relevant training and vocational education activities to men and women who desire to enter occupations that are not traditionally associated with their sex;

    (10) The State will fund programs of personnel development and curriculum development to further the goals identified in the State plan;

    (11) The State has thoroughly assessed the vocational education needs of identifiable segments of the population in the State that have the highest rates of unemployment, and those needs are reflected in and addressed by the State plan;

    (12) The State board will cooperate with the State council in carrying out the Board's duties under the State plan;

    (13) None of the funds expended under the Act will be used to acquire equipment (including computer software) in any instance in which that acquisition results in a direct financial benefit to any organization representing the interests of the purchasing entity or its employees or any affiliate of such an organization;

    (14) State and local funds will be used in the schools of each local educational agency that are receiving funds under the Act to provide services that, taken as a whole, are at least comparable to services being provided in schools in those agencies that are not receiving funds under the Act;

    Cross Reference:

    See §§ 403.194 and 403.200.


    (i) The State board will provide leadership (qualified by experience and knowledge in guidance and counseling), supervision, and resources for comprehensive career guidance, vocational counseling, and placement programs; and

    (ii) As a component of the assurances described in paragraph (a)(15)(i) of this section, the State board will annually assess and include in the State plan a report on the degree to which expenditures aggregated within the State for career guidance and vocational counseling from allotments under title II of the Act are not less than expenditures for guidance and counseling within the State under the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act in Fiscal or Program Year 1988;

    (Authority: H.R. Rep. No. 660, 101st Cong., 1st Sess. 111 (1990))

    (16) The State will provide for such fiscal control and fund accounting procedures as may be necessary to ensure the proper disbursement of, and accounting for, Federal funds paid to the State, including those funds paid by the State to eligible recipients under the Act;

    (17) Funds made available under title II of the Act will be used to supplement, and to the extent practicable increase, the amount of State and local funds that would in the absence of those Federal funds be made available for the uses specified in the State plan and the local application, and in no case supplant those State or local funds;

    Cross Reference:

    See §§ 403.196 and 403.208.

    (18) Individuals who are members of special populations will be provided with equal access to recruitment, enrollment, and placement activities;

    (19) Individuals who are members of special populations will be provided with equal access to the full range of vocational education programs available to individuals who are not members of special populations, including occupationally specific courses of study, cooperative education, apprenticeship programs, and, to the extent practicable, comprehensive career guidance and counseling services, and will not be discriminated against on the basis of their status as members of special populations;

    (20) Vocational education programs and activities for individuals with disabilities will be provided in the least restrictive environment in accordance with section 612(5)(B) of the IDEA and will, if appropriate, be included as a component of the individualized education program developed under section 614(a)(5) of that Act;

    (21) Students with disabilities who have individualized education programs developed under section 614(a)(5) of the IDEA, with respect to vocational education programs, will be afforded the rights and protections guaranteed those students under sections 612, 614, and 615 of that Act;

    (22) Students with disabilities who do not have individualized education programs developed under section 614(a)(5) of the IDEA or who are not eligible to have such a program, with respect to vocational education programs, will be afforded the rights and protections guaranteed those students under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and, for the purpose of the State Vocational and Applied Technology Education Programs, those rights and protections will include making vocational education programs readily accessible to eligible individuals with disabilities through the provision of services described § 403.190(b)(3);

    (23) Vocational education planning for individuals with disabilities will be coordinated among appropriate representatives of vocational education, special education, and State vocational rehabilitation agencies;

    (24) The provision of vocational education to each student with disabilities will be monitored to determine if that education is consistent with the individualized education program developed for the student under section 614(a)(5) of the IDEA, in any case in which an individualized education program exists;

    (25) The provision of vocational education will be monitored to ensure that disadvantaged students and students of limited English proficiency have access to that education in the most integrated setting possible;


    (i) The requirements of the Act relating to individuals who are members of special populations -

    (A) Will be carried out under the general supervision of individuals in the appropriate State educational agency or State board who are responsible for students who are members of special populations; and

    (B) Will meet education standards of the State educational agency or State board;

    (ii) With respect to students with disabilities, the supervision carried out under paragraph (a)(26)(i) of this section will be carried out consistent with, and in conjunction with, supervision by the State educational agency or State board carried out under section 612(6) of the IDEA;

    (27) Funds received under the Business-Labor-Education Partnership for Training Program will be awarded on a competitive basis solely for vocational education programs, including programs that -

    (i) Provide apprenticeships and internships in industry;

    (ii) Provide new equipment;

    (iii) Provide teacher internships or teacher training;

    (iv) Bring representatives of business and organized labor into the classroom;

    (v) Increase the access to, and quality of, programs for individuals who are members of special populations;

    (vi) Strengthen coordination between vocational education programs and the labor and skill needs of business and industry;

    (vii) Address the economic development needs of the area served by the partnership;

    (viii) Provide training and career counseling that will enable workers to retain their jobs;

    (ix) Provide training and career counseling that will enable workers to upgrade their jobs; and

    (x) Address the needs of new and emerging industries, particularly industries in high-technology fields;

    (28) In administering the Business-Labor-Education Partnership for Training Program, the State board will -

    (i) Give preference to partnerships that coordinate with local chambers of commerce (or the equivalent), local labor organizations, or local economic development plans;

    (ii) Give priority to programs offered by partnerships that provide job training in areas or skills where there are significant labor shortages; and

    (iii) Ensure an equitable distribution of assistance under this part between urban and rural areas;

    (29) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(30) of this section, not less than 50 percent of the aggregate cost of programs and projects assisted under the Business-Labor-Education Partnership for Training Program will be provided from non-Federal sources, and not less than 50 percent of the non-Federal share will be provided by businesses or labor organizations participating in the partnerships; and

    (30) In the event that a partnership includes a small business or labor organization, 40 percent of the aggregate cost of the programs and projects assisted under the Business-Labor-Education Partnership for Training Program will be provided from non-Federal sources and not less than 50 percent of the non-Federal share will be provided by participating business or labor organizations.

    (b) Descriptions. To participate in programs authorized under the State Vocational and Applied Technology Education Program, the State must include the following descriptions in the State plan:

    (1) The procedures and criteria for, and the results of, each of the assessments required by § 403.203, including the needs identified by the assessments.

    (2) The plans for the use of the funds and how those planned uses reflect the needs described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.

    (3) The manner in which the State will comply with the requirements in the Act regarding access and services for individuals who are members of special populations and a description of the responsiveness of programs to the special needs of those students.

    (4) The estimated distribution, for each instructional level - secondary, postsecondary, and adult - of funds to corrections educational agencies as prescribed by § 403.100, of funds to local educational agencies, area vocational education schools, or intermediate educational agencies as prescribed by §§ 403.112 and 403.113, and of funds to eligible institutions or consortia of eligible institutions as prescribed by § 403.116.

    (5) The criteria the State board will use -

    (i) In approving applications of eligible recipients; and

    (ii) For spending the amounts reserved for the State under § 403.180(b).

    (6) How funds expended for occupationally specific training will be used for occupations in which job openings are projected or available, based on a labor market analysis that is not limited to the area in which the school is located.

    (Authority: H.R. Rep. No. 660, 101st Cong., 1st Sess. 109 (1990))

    (7) In each State plan submitted after Fiscal Year 1991, the progress the State has made in achieving the goals described in previous State plans.

    (8) The methods of administration necessary for the prompt and efficient administration of programs under the Act.

    (9) How the State will implement program evaluations with eligible recipients as prescribed in §§ 403.191, 403.192, 403.201(a) (3) and (4), and 403.204.

    (10) The methods proposed for the joint planning and coordination of programs carried out under the Act with programs conducted under the JTPA, the Adult Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.), chapter 1, the IDEA, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and with apprenticeship programs.

    (11) Procedures by which an area vocational educational school, intermediate educational agency, or local educational agency may appeal decisions adverse to its interests with respect to programs assisted under the Act.

    Cross Reference:

    See 34 CFR 76.401.

    (12) How the State will comply with the provisions of §§ 403.32(a)(18)-(26), 403.115, and 403.205.

    (13) The State's rationale for distribution of funds under the Secondary School Vocational Education Program and the Postsecondary and Adult Vocational Education Programs.

    (14) The State corrections educational agency or agencies designated to administer vocational education programs assisted under the Act, and the plan for the use of funds provided under § 403.180(b)(5).

    (15) Any delegation of functions under § 403.12(c).

    (16) The manner in which the State board will comply with the applicable requirements of titles I, II, III, and V of the Act (including the maintenance of fiscal effort requirements in § 403.182).

    (17) A summary of recommendations made at public hearings on the State plan and the State board's response.

    (18) How the State will determine which LEAs are located in a rural sparsely-populated area for purposes of § 403.112(d)(3).

    (19) Which indices of economic status the State will use to determine the number of economically disadvantaged students attending vocational educational programs for the purposes of § 403.114.

    (20) What method the State will use to distribute minimal amounts for the purpose of § 403.119(a).

    (21) As appropriate, what method the State will use to distribute funds under § 403.118.

    (c) Consultations. A State desiring to participate in the State Vocational and Applied Technology Education Program shall include in its State plan -

    (1) A statement, if any, from the State advisory council on vocational education reviewing and commenting on the State plan;

    (2) As necessary, the State's reasons for not accepting the recommendations of the State Committee of Practitioners for modifying standards and measures to be used in the statewide system of core standards and measures of performance; and

    (3) As necessary, the State's response to any objections raised by State agencies consulted during the development of the State plan as required by § 403.31(e).

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under Control No. 1830-0029)

    [57 FR 36735, Aug. 14, 1992, as amended at 59 FR 38512, July 28, 1994]