Subpart E - What Kinds of Activities Does the Secretary Assist Under the Basic Programs?  

State Programs and State Leadership Activities
§ 403.70 - How must funds be used under the State Programs and State Leadership Activities?
§ 403.71 - In what additional ways may funds be used under the State Programs and State Leadership Activities?
Sex Equity Program
§ 403.90 - Who is eligible for a subgrant or contract?
§ 403.91 - How must funds be used under the Sex Equity Program?
§ 403.92 - Under what circumstances may the age limit under the Sex Equity Program be waived?
§ 403.60 - What are the basic programs?
§ 403.61 - What projects, services, and activities are permissible under the basic programs?
§ 403.62 - What administrative provisions apply?
§ 403.63 - How does a State carry out the State Vocational and Applied Technology Education Program?
Programs for Criminal Offenders
§ 403.100 - What are the requirements for designating a State corrections educational agency to administer the Programs for Criminal Offenders?
§ 403.101 - How must funds be used under the Programs for Criminal Offenders?
§ 403.102 - What other requirements apply to the Program for Criminal Offenders?
Secondary, Postsecondary, and Adult Vocational Education Programs
§ 403.110 - Who is eligible for a subgrant or contract?
§ 403.111 - How must funds be used under the Secondary School Vocational Education Program and the Postsecondary and Adult Vocational Education Programs?
§ 403.112 - How does a State allocate funds under the Secondary School Vocational Education Program to local educational agencies?
§ 403.113 - How does a State allocate funds under the Secondary School Vocational Education Program to area vocational education schools and intermediate educational agencies?
§ 403.114 - How does a State determine the number of economically disadvantaged students attending vocational education programs under the Secondary School Vocational Education Program?
§ 403.115 - What appeal procedures must be established under the Secondary School Vocational Education Program?
§ 403.116 - How does a State allocate funds under the Postsecondary and Adult Vocational Education Programs?
§ 403.117 - What definitions apply to the Postsecondary and Adult Vocational Education Programs?
§ 403.118 - Under what circumstances may the Secretary waive the distribution requirements for the Postsecondary and Adult Vocational Education Programs?
§ 403.119 - Under what circumstances may the State waive the distribution requirements for Secondary School Vocational Education Program or the Postsecondary and Adult Vocational Education Programs?
§ 403.120 - How does a State reallocate funds under the Secondary School Vocational Education Program and the Postsecondary and Adult Vocational Education Programs?
Single Parents, Displaced Homemakers, and Single Pregnant Women Program
§ 403.80 - Who is eligible for a subgrant or contract?
§ 403.81 - How must funds be used under the Single Parents, Displaced Homemakers, and Single Pregnant Women Program?
§ 403.82 - In what settings may the Single Parents, Displaced Homemakers, and Single Pregnant Women Program be offered?