Part 5 - Availability of Information to the Public  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 5.1 - Purpose.
§ 5.2 - Definitions.
§ 5.5 - Records.
§ 5.6 - Statutory definitions.
Subpart B - Agency Records Available to the Public
§ 5.10 - Public reading room.
§ 5.11 - Business information.
§ 5.12 - Creation of agency records not required.
§ 5.13 - Preservation of agency records.
§ 5.14 - Published documents.
§ 5.15 - Creation of records.
§ 5.16 - Deletion of identifying details.
§ 5.17 - Records in record centers.
§ 5.18 - Destroyed records.
§ 5.19 - Records of other departments and agencies.
Subpart C - Procedures for Requesting Access to Agency Records and Disclosure of Agency Records
§ 5.20 - Requirements for making FOIA requests.
§ 5.21 - Procedures for processing FOIA requests.
Subpart D - Fees
§ 5.30 - Fees generally.
§ 5.31 - Fee definitions.
§ 5.32 - Assessment of fees.
§ 5.33 - Requirements for waiver or reduction of fees.
§ 5.51 - Procedure.
§ 5.52 - Copies of records.
§ 5.53 - Denial of requests for records.
Subpart E - Administrative Review
§ 5.40 - Appeals of adverse determinations.
§ 5.60 - Schedule of fees.
§ 5.61 - Notification of estimated fees.
§ 5.62 - Advance payment of fees.
§ 5.63 - Payment of fees and interest.
§ 5.64 - Waiver or reduction of fees.
Subpart F - Availability of Specific Records
§ 5.70 - Policy.
§ 5.71 - Protection of personal privacy and proprietary information.
§ 5.72 - Records available.
§ 5.73 - Records not available.
§ 5.74 - Further disclosure.
Subpart G - Administrative Review
§ 5.80 - Review of denial of a record.
§ 5.81 - Time for initiation of request for review.
§ 5.82 - By whom review is made.
§ 5.83 - Contents of request for review.
§ 5.84 - Consideration on review.
§ 5.85 - Decisions on review.
Appendix to Part 5