Appendix to Part 5

Latest version.
  • [The following are some examples of specific records (or specific information relating to personnel, programs, or activities of this Department) listed according to whether or not they are available upon request for inspection and copying]Generally availableGenerally not availablegrantsFunded initial grant applications, subject to provisions of § 5.71.
  • Reports of grantee.
  • Final report of any review or evaluation of grantee performance conducted or caused to be conducted by the Department.
  • Research protocol, design, processing, and other technical information to the extent proprietary or of a confidential nature submitted with initial applications not yet funded, or where disclosure would adversely affect patent or other valuable rights.
  • Confidential financial information of grantee.
  • Site visit reports.
  • Applications for continuation, renewal, or supplemental grants, subject to provisions of § 5.71Initial research or research training grant application on which award is not made.State plan material.contractsName of contractor, subject matter, date, and amount of contractTrade secrets.Contract performance review reportConfidential pricing data contained in contract proposal if in the Department's judgment it is properly so designated by the offeror.Deficiency reportProprietary technical data contained in a contract proposal if in the Department's judgment it is properly so designated by offeror.Final reportConfidential financial information of contractorDraft of proposed final report submitted for comment prior to acceptance.Research protocol, design, processing, and other technical information to the extent proprietary or of a confidential nature, including proprietary contents of unsolicited proposals.Proposals on which no award is made.advisory committeesName of committee
  • Final report
  • Minutes or transcripts of meetings open to the public and not involved with matters exempt from mandatory disclosure under Freedom of Information Act
  • Minutes or transcripts of committee meetings or portions thereof which are involved with matters exempt from mandatory disclosure under Freedom of Information Act.
    personnel informationName of employee, title of position, and location of regular duty stationHome addresses of employees.Grade, position description, and salary of public employeesaffirmative action plan filed pursuant to executive order 11246Approved action plan, including analysis, proposed remedial or affirmative steps to be taken with goals and timetables, policies on recruitment, hiring, and promotion, and description of grievance proceduresmiscellaneousNames of individual beneficiaries of departmental programs or a list of the benefits they receive if release would be an unwarranted invasion of privacy.Office for Civil Rights investigatory files in open cases.