§ 682.420 - Federal nonliquid assets.  

Latest version.
  • Link to an amendment published at 78 FR 65820, Nov. 1, 2013.

    (a) General. The Federal portion of a nonliquid asset developed or purchased in whole or in part with Federal reserve funds, regardless of who held or controlled the Federal reserve funds or assets, is the property of the United States. The ownership of that asset must be prorated based on the percentage of the asset developed or purchased with Federal reserve funds. In maintaining and using the Federal portion of a nonliquid asset under this section, the guaranty agency must exercise the level of care required of a fiduciary charged with protecting, investing, and administering the property of others.

    (b) Treatment of revenue derived from a nonliquid Federal asset. If a guaranty agency derives revenue from the Federal portion of a nonliquid asset, including its sale or lease, the agency must promptly deposit the percentage of the net revenue received into the Federal Fund equal to the percentage of the asset owned by the United States.

    (c) Guaranty agency use of the Federal portion of a nonliquid asset. (1)(i) If a guaranty agency uses the Federal portion of a nonliquid asset in the performance of its guaranty activities (other than an intangible or intellectual property asset or a tangible asset of nominal value), the agency must promptly deposit into the Federal Fund an amount representing the net fair value of the use of the asset.

    (ii) If a guaranty agency uses the Federal portion of a nonliquid asset for purposes other than the performance of its guaranty activities, the agency must promptly deposit into the Federal Fund an amount representing the net fair value of the use of the asset.

    (2) Payments to the Federal Fund required by paragraph (c)(1) of this section must be made not less frequently than quarterly.

    (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1072-1)

    [64 FR 58634, Oct. 29, 1999]