§ 682.511 - Procedures for filing a claim.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Filing a claim application. (1) A lender may file a claim against the Secretary's guarantee on a Federal GSL loan for any of the following reasons:

    (i) The loan is in default, as defined in §682.200.

    (ii) Any of the conditions exist for filing a claim without collection efforts, as set forth in §682.412(e)(2) or §682.509.

    (iii) The borrower has died, become totally and permanently disabled, or filed a bankruptcy petition, as determined by the lender in accordance with §682.510.

    (2) If a Federal PLUS loan was obtained by two eligible parents as co-makers, or a Federal Consolidation loan was obtained jointly by a married couple, the reason for filing a claim must hold true for both applicants, or each applicant must have satisfied a claimable criterion at the time of the request for discharge of the loan.

    (3) A lender may file a claim against the Secretary's guarantee only on a form provided by the Secretary. The lender shall attach to the claim all documents required by the Secretary. If the lender fails to do so, the Secretary denies the claim.

    (b) Documentation required for claims. (1) The Secretary requires a lender to submit the following documentation with all claims:

    (i) The original promissory note.

    (ii) The loan application.

    (iii) The repayment instrument.

    (iv) A payment history, as described in §682.414(a)(3)(ii)(I).

    (v) A collection history, as described in §682.414(a)(3)(ii)(J).

    (vi) A copy of the final demand letter if required by §682.507(e).

    (vii) The original or a copy of all correspondence addressed to, from, or on behalf of the borrower that is relevant to the loan, whether that correspondence involved the original lender, a subsequent holder, or a servicing agent.

    (viii) If applicable, evidence of the lender's requests to the Department for skip-tracing assistance under §682.507(c) and for preclaims assistance under §682.507(d).

    (ix) Any additional documentation that the Secretary determines is relevant to a claim.

    (2) The documentation requirements for death, total and permanent disability, or bankruptcy claims in §682.402(g)(1) apply to the Federal GSL programs. For purposes of this section, references to the “guaranty agency” in §682.402(e)(1) mean the Secretary.

    (c) Assignment of note. The Secretary's payment of a claim is contingent upon receipt from the lender of an assignment to the United States of America of all rights, title, and interest of the lender in the note underlying the claim.

    (d) Bankruptcy subsequent to default. If the lender files a default claim on a loan and subsequently receives a notice of the first meeting of creditors in the proceeding of the borrower in bankruptcy, the lender shall promptly forward that notice to the Department of Education. Under these circumstances the lender shall not file a proof of claim with the bankruptcy court.

    (e) Claim filing deadlines. To obtain payment of a claim, a lender shall comply with the following deadlines:

    (1) Default claims. Unless the lender has already filed suit against the borrower in accordance with §682.507(f), it shall file a default claim on a loan with the Secretary within 90 days after a default has occurred on the loan. For a claim filed by a lender pursuant to §682.412(e)(2), as directed in §682.208(f)(2), the lender shall file a claim within 90 days following transmission of the final demand letter sent pursuant to §682.411(e) if the borrower failed to comply with the terms of the letter within 30 days of the transmission.

    (2) Death, total and permanent disability, or bankruptcy claims. The claim filing deadlines in §682.402(e)(2) apply to the Federal GSL programs. For purposes of this section, references to the “guaranty agency” in §682.402(e)(2) mean the Secretary.

    (3) Special condition claims. In the case of a special condition claim filed pursuant to §682.509, the lender shall file a claim with the Secretary within 45 days of the date the lender determines that the conditions set forth in §682.509(a)(1) exist, or the date the Secretary directs that the claim be filed pursuant to §682.509(a)(2).

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1845-0020)

    (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1078-1, 1078-2, 1078-3, 1080, 1082, 1087)

    [57 FR 60323, Dec. 18, 1992, as amended at 58 FR 9119, Feb. 19, 1993; 59 FR 33358, June 28, 1994; 64 FR 18981, Apr. 16, 1999; 64 FR 58965, Nov. 1, 1999]