§ 682.802 - Submission of Plan for approval—required documentation.  

Latest version.
  • An Authority shall submit with or include in each Plan submitted for the approval of the Governor the following:

    (a) If the Authority is a secondary market, a description of the procedures used to inform eligible lenders of the program of the Authority, samples of announcements to lenders regarding the program, and a listing of the types of lenders and numbers of each type so informed.

    (b) If the Authority contracts with an agent to service or collect loans in which the Authority has a legal or equitable interest, a sample of the form signed by all directors, officers, and staff of the Authority who receive compensation from the Authority certifying that these persons do not own stock in or receive compensation of any kind from that agent and a list of the persons who have signed the form.

    (c) If the Authority is a secondary market, a schedule of the amount of loan transfer fees paid or to be paid by the Authority to parties from whom it purchases loans and, if the amount of the loan transfer fee is based on an estimate, an explanation of how that estimated amount was determined.

    (d) A copy of any Federal or State law that the Authority believes limits its ability to make or purchase loans made to any eligible borrowers who are residents of, or who obtained loans for a student to attend a school located within, its service area.

    (e) A copy of the plan under which the Authority pursues both the recruitment of new lenders to participate in a continuing program of benefits to students under each of the FFEL programs and the maintenance of existing lender commitments to the programs.

    (f) A copy of the most recent independent audit of the Authority performed in accordance with the audit standards found in § 682.830.

    (g) A copy of any survey instrument or written inquiry form to be used to solicit from schools, lenders, and secondary markets information by which the Authority measures unmet need for student loan credit.

    (h) A certification that the Authority is in compliance with section 438(d)(2) of the Act (regarding patterns or practices resulting in denial of access to student loan credit for certain borrowers).

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1840-0538)