§ 682.804 - Failure to comply with Plan for Doing Business.  

Latest version.
  • (a) If the Secretary finds that an Authority has failed to comply with any requirement of its Plan or of this subpart, the Secretary takes actions necessary to protect the interests of the United States. These actions may include the following:

    (1) Withholding payment of special allowances.

    (2) Suspending or revoking approval of the Plan.

    (3) Determining that loans made or purchased with the proceeds of a tax-exempt obligation by the Authority or any entity acting for the Authority after the date of suspension or revocation are ineligible for payments of special allowances.

    (4) Requiring reimbursement from the Authority of special allowances paid on loans made or purchased by the Authority or any entity acting for the Authority.

    (b) The Secretary's decision to require repayment of funds by an Authority, to withhold payments of special allowance, or to suspend or revoke approval of a Plan does not become final until the Secretary provides the Authority with written notice of the intended action and an opportunity to be heard thereon. However, the Secretary may withhold payments or suspend approval of the Plan prior to giving notice and opportunity to be heard if the Secretary finds that emergency action necessary to prevent substantial harm to Federal interests.

    (c) Once final, the Secretary's decision to require a repayment of funds or to take other remedial action against an Authority under this section is conclusive and binding on the Authority.