§ 693.12 - What requirements must be met by the State under the program's scholarship component?  

Latest version.
  • A State shall provide for a scholarship component that—

    (a) As described in the State's plan approved by the Secretary under 693.10, is closely coordinated with other Federal, State, local, and private scholarship programs within the State;

    (b) Awards scholarships only to students who meet the eligibility requirements in 693.40;

    (c) Places a priority on awarding scholarships to students who will receive Federal Pell Grant awards for the academic year in which the award is being made under this part by—

    (1) Selecting those eligible students who will receive Federal Pell Grants and who—

    (i) Have the lowest expected family contributions as calculated under part F of title IV of the HEA; or

    (ii) Are the neediest students as prioritized under the State's criteria for low-income students if the State's criteria are approved by the Secretary; and

    (2) If the State has NEISP Program scholarship funds remaining after making NEISP awards to all of the eligible Federal Pell Grant recipients, awarding the remaining NEISP Program scholarship funds to those eligible students who will not receive Federal Pell Grant awards and who—

    (i) Have the lowest expected family contributions; or

    (ii) Are the neediest students as prioritized under the State's criteria for low-income students if the State's criteria are approved by the Secretary;

    (d) Awards continuation scholarships in successive award years to each student who received an initial scholarship and who continues to meet the student eligibility requirements under § 693.40;

    (e) Establishes the maximum amount of a scholarship that each eligible student is to receive and ensures that no scholarship is less than the lesser of—

    (1) 75 percent of the average cost of attendance, as determined under section 472, part F of the HEA, for an in-State student in a 4-year program of instruction at public institutions of higher education in the State; or

    (2) The maximum Federal Pell Grant award funded for that fiscal year;

    (f) Ensures that, for each recipient of a scholarship under this part who is eligible for and receiving other postsecondary student financial assistance, a Federal Pell Grant be awarded first, other public and private grant and scholarship assistance be awarded second, a scholarship under this part be awarded third, and then other financial assistance be awarded;

    (g) Ensures that no scholarship awarded under this part, combined with other title IV, HEA financial assistance and any other grant or scholarship assistance exceeds the student's total cost of attendance, as determined under section 472, part F of the HEA;

    (h) Expends all NEISP Program funds under the scholarship component, as determined according to § 693.10(b)(5)(iv), on scholarships to students;

    (i) Notifies recipients of scholarships under this part that they are to be known as “[insert name of the State] National Partnership Scholars”; and

    (j) Describes to the satisfaction of the Secretary the procedures the State will use to award scholarships to eligible students in the event that the State receives reduced or no Federal funding under the NEISP Program during any fiscal year.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1840-0677)