§ 693.30 - What are the requirements for a student to be a participant in the early intervention component of this program?

Latest version.
  • The State agency administering the NEISP Program, as approved by the Secretary under § 693.10(b)(1), shall select students in preschool through grade 12 to participate in the State's early intervention component, each of whom—

    (a)(1) Is a citizen or a national of the United States;

    (2) Is a permanent resident of the United States;

    (3) Provides evidence from the Immigration and Naturalization Service that he or she is in the United States for other than a temporary purpose with the intention of becoming a citizen or permanent resident; or

    (4) Is a permanent resident of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands;

    (b) Is, at the time of initial selection, a priority student, an at-risk student, a disadvantaged student, or a student with a limited proficiency in English;

    (c) Has a need for academic support, as determined by the State, to pursue his or her education successfully;

    (d) Resides within the State;

    (e) Is not currently enrolled in a program of postsecondary education;

    (f) Meets such other criteria as the State includes in its plan in order to meet the unique needs of the State and that are approved by the Secretary; and

    (g) For an otherwise eligible student who is attending secondary school, is a student whom the State determines can reasonably be expected to meet the student eligibility requirements of 34 CFR 668.7 for Federal student financial assistance and such other requirements as necessary to qualify for State, local, or private student financial assistance, at such time as the student enrolls in postsecondary education.