§ 693.5 - What definitions apply to this program?

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  • (a) Definitions in EDGAR. The following terms used in this part are defined in 34 CFR 77.1:

    (b) Definitions in subpart A of the Institutional Eligibility regulations, 34 CFR part 600. The following terms used in this part are defined in 34 CFR part 600:

    Award year

    Institution of higher education

    Recognized equivalent of a high school diploma

    (c) Definition in the Student Assistance General Provisions regulations, 34 CFR part 668. The following term used in this part is defined in 34 CFR part 668:

    Academic year

    (d) Other definitions that apply to this part. The following definitions also apply to this part:

    At-risk student means a preschool through grade 12 student whom a State identifies as being a potential dropout from secondary or postsecondary school.

    Disadvantaged student means a student who is either (1) a low-income individual who is also a first-generation college student; or (2) a student with disabilities.

    Early intervention program means a program that provides education-related activities such as counseling, mentoring, academic support, outreach, and other supportive services, including providing information on opportunities for postsecondary student financial aid, to students enrolled in preschool through grade 12.

    First-generation college student means—

    (1) A student neither of whose parents completed a baccalaureate degree; or

    (2) A student who regularly resides with and receives support from only one parent who did not complete a baccalaureate degree.

    HEA means the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended.

    Limited proficiency in English with reference to an individual, means an individual—

    (1)(i) Who was not born in the United States;

    (ii) Whose native language is other than English;

    (iii) Who comes from an environment in which a language other than English is most relied on for communication; or

    (iv) Who is an American Indian or Alaskan Native student and comes from an environment in which a language other than English has had a significant impact on his or her level of proficiency in English; and

    (2) Who, as a result of the circumstances described in paragraph (1) of this definition, is unable to learn successfully in classrooms in which instruction is in English because he or she cannot adequately understand, speak, read, or write English.

    Low-income individual means an individual whose taxable family income for the year before the year in which he or she is scheduled to receive assistance under this part did not exceed 150 percent of an amount equal to the poverty level determined by using criteria of poverty established by the U.S. Bureau of the Census or a resident who is considered to be a low-income resident by the State in which he or she lives.

    Postsecondary education means a program of education beyond the secondary school level.

    Priority student means any student within a State in preschool through grade 12 who is eligible—

    (1) To be counted as attending an institution receiving Federal funds under chapter 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965;

    (2) To receive free or reduced-price meals under the National School Lunch Act; or

    (3) To receive assistance under the Aid to Families with Dependent Children Act.

    Scholarship means an award made to an individual under this part.

    Secondary school, as defined under section 1471(21) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, means a day or residential school that provides secondary education, as determined under State law, except that it does not include any education beyond grade 12.

    State educational agency (SEA), as defined under section 1471(23) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, means the officer or agency primarily responsible for the State supervision of public elementary and secondary schools.

    Student with a disability, as defined in section 3(2) of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12102(2)), means a student with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of the student and thus requires special education and related services.