§ 700.20 - How many peer reviewers will be used?  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each application for a grant or cooperative agreement award must be reviewed and evaluated by at least three peer reviewers except—

    (1) For those grant and cooperative agreement awards under $50,000, fewer than three peer reviewers may be used if the Secretary determines that adequate peer review can be obtained using fewer reviewers; and

    (2) For those grant and cooperative agreement awards of more than $1,000,000, at least five reviewers must be used.

    (b) Each contract proposal must be read by at least three reviewers unless the contracting officer determines that an adequate peer review can be obtained by using fewer reviewers.

    (c) Before releasing contract proposals to peer reviewers outside the Federal Government, the contracting officer shall comply with FAR, 48 CFR 15.413-2(f).