§ 1190.2 - Applicability: Building and facilities subject to guidelines and standards  

Latest version.
  • (a) Definitions. As used in this section, the term:

    (1) Constructed or altered on behalf of the United States means constructed or altered for purchase by the United States, or constructed or altered for the use of the United States.

    (2) Primarily for use by able-bodied military personnel means expected to be occupied, used, or visited principally by military service personnel. Examples of buildings so intended are barracks, officers’ quarters, and closed messes.

    (3) Privately owned residential structures means a single or multifamily dwelling not owned by a unit or subunit of Federal, state, or local government.

    (b) Buildings and facilities covered. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, the standards to be issued by the standard-setting agencies in conformance with these minimum guidelines and requirements apply as provided in paragraph (d) of this section to any building or facility—

    (1) The intended use for which either—

    (i) Will require that such building or facility be accessible to the public, or

    (ii) May result in employment or residence therein of physically handicapped persons; and

    (2) Which is—

    (i) To be constructed or altered by or on behalf of the United States;

    (ii) To be leased in whole or in part by the United States after August 12, 1968, and before January 1, 1977, after construction or alteration in accordance with plans and specifications of the United States;

    (iii) To be leased in whole or in part by the United States on or after January 1, 1977;

    (iv) To be financed in whole or in part by a grant or loan made by the United States after August 12, 1968, if the building or facility may be subject to standards for design, construction, or alteration issued under the law authorizing the grant or loan; or

    (v) To be constructed under the authority of the National Capital Transportation Act of 1960, the National Capital Transportation Act of 1965, or Title III of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Regulation Compact.

    (c) Buildings and facilities not covered. The guidelines and requirements and the standards do not apply to—

    (1) Any privately owned residential structure, unless it is leased by the Federal government on or after January 1, 1977, for subsidized housing programs; or

    (2) Any building or facility on a military installation designed and constructed primarily for use by able-bodied military personnel.

    (d) Application and effective date of standards. Any covered building or facility, as provided in this section, which is designed, constructed, or altered after the effective date of a standard issued in conformance with this guideline which is applicable to the building or facility, shall be designed, constructed, or altered in accordance with the standard. Any other building or facility covered by the Architectural Barriers Act, if and when required by law, shall comply with such standards issued in conformance with this part as are appropriate.