§ 1250.75 - Predisclosure notification procedures for commercial information.

Latest version.
  • (a) General. Commercial information provided to NARA shall not be disclosed to the public except in accordance with this subpart.

    (b) Definitions.

    Potentially confidential commercial information means records provided to NARA by a submitter that may contain material exempt from release under 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4) because disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause the submitter substantial competitive harm.

    Submitter means any person or entity providing potentially confidential commercial information to an agency. The term submitter includes, but is not limited to, corporations, state governments, and foreign governments.

    (c) Designation of potentially confidential commercial information. Submitters of commercial information may designate the information as commercially confidential. The designation must:

    (1) Be made by the submitter when the information is submitted to NARA or within 30 workdays thereafter;

    (2) Specify precisely which information is claimed as commercially confidential;

    (3) Be made in good faith;

    (4) Be supported by a certification by the submitter that the information has not been published or previously officially disclosed to the public.

    (d) Notice of receipt of a request to release information. (1) NARA shall give the submitter prompt written notice of receipt of a FOIA request for the submitter's potentially confidential commercial information when:

    (i) The submitter, in good faith, has designated the material as commercially confidential in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section; and

    (ii) The FOIA request is received within 10 years of the date of submission.

    (2) The written notice of receipt of an FOIA request shall either describe the potentially confidential commercial information requested, or provide copies of the records containing the information. The notice shall be mailed to the last known address of the submitter.

    (3) When notice is given to a submitter pursuant to this section, NARA shall inform the requester that:

    (i) The notice has been sent to the submitter;

    (ii) That NARA's response to the request may be delayed beyond the limitations specified in 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(A) and (B) to allow for time to notify the submitter, and to consider any response; and

    (iii) That the delay may be considered a denial of access to records and the requester may seek judicial review. However, the requester shall be invited to agree to a voluntary extension of time so that NARA may consider any claims of confidentiality by the submitter.

    (e) Opportunity to object to disclosure. (1) Through the notice described in paragraph (d) of this section, NARA shall afford a submitter a reasonable amount of time to provide NARA:

    (i) A detailed statement of any objections to disclosure. The statement shall specify which information is claimed to be of a confidential commercial nature, and shall specify all grounds for withholding any of the information under the exemptions of the FOIA. If exemption (b)(4) of the FOIA is cited, the statement shall explain how the release of the information can be reasonably expected to cause substantial competitive harm to the submitter; and

    (ii) Certification that the information has not been published or previously disclosed to the public.

    (2) The statement provided pursuant to this subsection may itself be subject to disclosure under the FOIA

    (f) Notice of intent to disclose. (1) NARA shall consider any good faith designations of commercial confidentiality made when the information was initially submitted to NARA, and the submitter's timely objections and specific grounds for nondisclosure received in response to the notice of receipt of a request prior to determining whether to disclose the information in question.

    (2) When NARA decides to disclose commercial information over the objections of a submitter, whether in response to a request to release or as the result of an appeal of a denial of access, NARA shall provide the submitter a written notice which:

    (i) States the reasons why the submitter's objections were not sustained;

    (ii) Describes or contains a copy of the information to be disclosed; and

    (iii) Specifies a disclosure date. NARA shall inform the submitter that disclosure will be made on the specified disclosure date, unless barred by court order.

    (3) NARA shall inform the requester that such notice has been given to the submitter and of the proposed disclosure date.

    (4) When NARA and the submitter are in agreement concerning disclosure, disclosure shall take place as soon as possible.

    (5) The notice of receipt of a request shall serve as the notice of intent to disclose when the submitter fails to respond to the initial notice within a reasonable period of time.

    (g) Notice of lawsuit. NARA will promptly inform the requester and the submitter of any law suit filed by the other concerning possible disclosure.

    (h) Exceptions to notice requirement. The notice requirements of this section do not apply when:

    (1) NARA determines that the information should not be disclosed in accordance with one or more FOIA exemptions;

    (2) The information has been published or officially made available to the public;

    (3) Disclosure of the information is required by law (other than 5 U.S.C. 552); or

    (4) NARA has no substantial reason to believe that disclosure would result in competitive harm.