§ 217.13 - Reviewing officer authority.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Discretion to establish procedures. A Reviewing Officer may issue such determinations and procedural instructions as appropriate to ensure orderly and expeditious conduct of the appeal process as long as they are in accordance with all the applicable rules and procedures of this part.

    (1) In appeals involving intervenors, the Reviewing Officer may prescribe special procedures to conduct the appeal.

    (2) In case of multiple appeals of a decision, the Reviewing Officer may prescribe special procedures as necessary to conduct the review.

    (3) All participants shall receive notice of any procedural instructions or decisions governing conduct of an appeal.

    (4) Procedural instructions and decisions are not subject to review by higher level officers.

    (b) Consolidation of multiple appeals. (1) The Reviewing Officer shall determine whether to issue one appeal decision or separate decisions in cases involving multiple notices of appeal under this part, or if the same decision is also under appeal pursuant to 36 CFR part 251. In the event of a consolidated decision, the Reviewing Officer shall give advance notice to all who have appealed the decision.

    (2) Decisions to consolidate an appeal decision are not subject to review by higher level officers.

    (c) Requests for information. At any time during the appeal process, the Reviewing Officer at the levels specified in § 217.7 (a), (b), or (c)(1) of this part may extend the time periods for review to request additional information from an appellant, intervenor, or the Deciding Officer. Such requests shall be limited to obtaining and evaluating information needed to clarify issues raised. The Reviewing Officer shall notify all participants of such requests and provide them opportunity to comment on the information obtained.