Subpart G - Special Forest Products  

§ 223.215 - Applicability.
§ 223.216 - Special Forest Products definitions.
§ 223.217 - Authority to dispose of special forest products.
§ 223.218 - Consistency with plans, environmental standards, and other management requirements.
§ 223.219 - Sustainable harvest of special forest products.
§ 223.220 - Quantity determination.
Award of Contracts, Permits, or Other Authorizing Instruments
§ 223.233 - Award to highest bidder.
§ 223.234 - Determination of responsibility.
§ 223.235 - Unilateral delay, suspension, or modification of contracts, permits, or other instruments authorizing the sale of special forest products.
§ 223.236 - Unilateral termination.
§ 223.237 - Request for delay, suspension, modification, or termination.
§ 223.238 - Free use authorization to U.S. Army and Navy.
§ 223.239 - Free use by individuals.
§ 223.240 - Tribes and treaty and other reserved rights.
§ 223.241 - Disposal of seized special forest products.
§ 223.242 - Supplemental guidance, Memorandum of Agreements and Memorandums of Understanding.
Advertisement and Bids
§ 223.227 - Sale advertisement.
§ 223.228 - Contents of advertisement.
§ 223.229 - Contents of prospectus.
§ 223.230 - Bid restriction on resale of incomplete contracts, permits, or other instruments.
§ 223.231 - Bidding methods.
§ 223.232 - Disclosure of relation to other bidders.
Appraisal and Pricing
§ 223.221 - Establishing minimum rates.
§ 223.222 - Appraisal.
Contract and Permit Conditions and Provisions
§ 223.223 - Advance payment.
§ 223.224 - Performance bonds and security.
§ 223.225 - Term.
§ 223.226 - Term adjustments for force majeure delay.