§ 251.84 - Obtaining notice.  

Latest version.
  • (a) A Deciding Officer shall promptly give written notice of decisions subject to appeal under this subpart to applicants and holders defined in §251.86 of this subpart and to any holder of like instruments who has made a written request to be notified of a specific decision. The notice shall include a statement of the Deciding Officer's willingness to meet with applicants or holders to hear and discuss any concerns or issues related to the decision (§251.93). The notice shall also specify the name of the officer to whom an appeal of the decision may be filed, the address, and the deadline for filing an appeal.

    (b) In States with Department of Agriculture certified mediation programs, a Deciding Officer shall also give written notice of the opportunity for the affected term grazing permit holder to request mediation of decisions to suspend or cancel term grazing permits, in whole or in part, pursuant to 36 CFR 222.4(a)(2)(i), (ii), (iv), (v) and (a)(3) through (a)(6). Such notice must inform the permit holder that, if mediation is desired, the permit holder must request mediation as part of the filing of an appeal.

    [54 FR 3362, Jan. 23, 1989, as amended at 64 FR 37846, July 14, 1999]