§ 251.86 - Parties.  

Latest version.
  • Only the following may participate in the appeals process provided under this subpart:

    (a) An applicant who, in response to a prospectus or written solicitation or other notice by the Forest Service, files a formal written request for a written authorization to occupy and use National Forest System land covered under §251.82 of this subpart and

    (1) Was denied the authorization, or

    (2) Was offered an authorization subject to terms and conditions that the applicant finds unreasonable or impracticable.

    (b) The signatory(ies) or holder(s) of a written authorization to occupy and use National Forest System land covered under §251.82 of this subpart who seeks relief from a written decision related to that authorization.

    (c) An intervenor as defined in §251.81 of this subpart.

    (d) The Deciding Officer who made the decision being appealed under this subpart.