Part 291 - Paleontological Resources Preservation  

§ 291.1 - Purpose.
§ 291.2 - Authorities.
§ 291.3 - Exceptions.
§ 291.4 - Preservation of existing authorities.
§ 291.5 - Definitions.
§ 291.6 - Confidentiality of information - general.
§ 291.7 - Public awareness and education.
§ 291.8 - Area closures.
§ 291.9 - Determination of paleontological resources.
§ 291.10 - Collecting.
§ 291.11 - Casual collecting on National Forest System lands.
§ 291.12 - National Forest System lands closed to casual collection.
§ 291.13 - Permits.
§ 291.14 - Application process.
§ 291.15 - Application qualifications and eligibility.
§ 291.16 - Terms and conditions.
§ 291.17 - Permit reports.
§ 291.18 - Modification or cancellation of permits.
§ 291.19 - Suspension and revocation of permits.
§ 291.20 - Appeals.
§ 291.21 - Curation of paleontological resources.
§ 291.22 - Becoming an approved repository.
§ 291.23 - Minimum requirements of approval of a repository.
§ 291.24 - Standards for access and use of collections.
§ 291.25 - Conducting inspections and inventories of collections.
§ 291.26 - Repository agreements.
§ 291.27 - Prohibited acts.
§ 291.28 - Civil penalty.
§ 291.29 - Amount of civil penalty.
§ 291.30 - Civil penalty process.
§ 291.31 - Civil penalties hearing procedures.
§ 291.32 - Petition for judicial review; collection of unpaid assessments.
§ 291.33 - Use of recovered amounts.
§ 291.34 - Criminal penalties.
§ 291.35 - Multiple offenses.
§ 291.36 - General exception.
§ 291.37 - Scientific or paleontological value.
§ 291.38 - Fair market or commercial value.
§ 291.39 - Cost of response, restoration, and repair.
§ 291.40 - Rewards.
§ 291.41 - Forfeiture.