Subpart C - Solicitation, Selection and Award Procedures  

§ 51.4 - How will the Director invite the general public to apply for the award of a concession contract and how will the Director determine when to issue a prospectus for a new concession opportunity where no prior concession services had been provided?
§ 51.5 - What information will the prospectus include?
§ 51.6 - Will a concession contract be developed for a particular potential offeror?
§ 51.7 - How will information be provided to a potential offeror after the prospectus is issued?
§ 51.8 - Where will the Director publish the notice of availability of the prospectus?
§ 51.9 - How do I get a copy of the prospectus?
§ 51.10 - How long will I have to submit my proposal?
§ 51.11 - May the Director amend, extend, or cancel a prospectus of solicitation?
§ 51.12 - Are there any other additional procedures that I must follow to apply for a concession contract?
§ 51.13 - When will the Director determine if proposals are responsive?
§ 51.14 - What happens if no responsive proposals are submitted?
§ 51.15 - May I clarify, amend or supplement my proposal after it is submitted?
§ 51.16 - How will the Director evaluate proposals and select the best one?
§ 51.17 - What are the selection factors?
§ 51.18 - When must the Director reject a proposal?
§ 51.19 - Must the Director award the concession contract that is set forth in the prospectus?
§ 51.20 - Does this part limit the authority of the Director?
§ 51.21 - When must the selected offeror execute the concession contract?
§ 51.22 - When may the Director award the concession contract?