§ 1.633 - Preliminary motions.  

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  • A party may file the following preliminary motions:

    (a) A motion for judgment against an opponent's claim designated to correspond to a count on the ground that the claim is not patentable to the opponent. The motion shall separately address each claim alleged to be unpatentable. In deciding an issue raised in a motion filed under this paragraph (a), a claim will be construed in light of the specification of the application or patent in which it appears. A motion under this paragraph shall not be based on:

    (1) Priority of invention by the moving party as against any opponent or

    (2) Derivation of the invention by an opponent from the moving party. See § 1.637(a).

    (b) A motion for judgment on the ground that there is no interference-in-fact. A motion under this paragraph is proper only if the interference involves a design application or patent or a plant application or patent or no claim of a party which corresponds to a count is identical to any claim of an opponent which corresponds to that count. See § 1.637(a). When claims of different parties are presented in “means plus function” format, it may be possible for the claims of the different parties not to define the same patentable invention even though the claims contain the same literal wording.

    (c) A motion to redefine the interfering subject matter by (1) adding or substituting a count, (2) amending an application claim corresponding to a count or adding a claim in the moving party's application to be designated to correspond to a count, (3) designating an application or patent claim to correspond to a count, (4) designating an application or patent claim as not corresponding to a count, or (5) requiring an opponent who is an applicant to add a claim and to designate the claim to correspond to a count. See § 1.637 (a) and (c).

    (d) A motion to substitute a different application owned by a party for an application involved in the interference. See § 1.637 (a) and (d).

    (e) A motion to declare an additional interference (1) between an additional application not involved in the interference and owned by a party and an opponent's application or patent involved in the interference or (2) when an interference involves three or more parties, between less than all applications and any patent involved in the interference. See § 1.637 (a) and (e).

    (f) A motion to be accorded the benefit of the filing date of an earlier filed application. See § 1.637 (a) and (f).

    (g) A motion to attack the benefit accorded an opponent in the notice declaring the interference of the filing date of an earlier filed application. See § 1.637 (a) and (g).

    (h) When a patent is involved in an interference and the patentee has on file or files an application for reissue under § 1.171, a motion to add the application for reissue to the interference. See § 1.637 (a) and (h).

    (i) When a motion is filed under paragraph (a), (b), or (g) of this section, an opponent, in addition to opposing the motion, may file a motion to redefine the interfering subject matter under paragraph (c) of this section, a motion to substitute a different application under paragraph (d) of this section, or a motion to add a reissue application to the interference under paragraph (h) of this section.

    (j) When a motion is filed under paragraph (c)(1) of this section an opponent, in addition to opposing the motion, may file a motion for benefit under paragraph (f) of this section as to the count to be added or substituted.