§ 1.637 - Content of motions.  

Latest version.
  • (a) A party filing a motion has the burden of proof to show that it is entitled to the relief sought in the motion. Each motion shall include a statement of the precise relief requested, a statement of the material facts in support of the motion, in numbered paragraphs, and a full statement of the reasons why the relief requested should be granted. If a party files a motion for judgment under § 1.633(a) against an opponent based on the ground of unpatentability over prior art, and the dates of the cited prior art are such that the prior art appears to be applicable to the party, it will be presumed, without regard to the dates alleged in the preliminary statement of the party, that the cited prior art is applicable to the party unless there is included with the motion an explanation, and evidence if appropriate, as to why the prior art does not apply to the party.

    (b) Unless otherwise ordered by an administrative patent judge or the Board, a motion under § 1.635 shall contain a certificate by the moving party stating that the moving party has conferred with all opponents in an effort in good faith to resolve by agreement the issues raised by the motion. The certificate shall indicate whether any opponent plans to oppose the motion. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to a motion to suppress evidence (§ 1.656(h)).

    (c) A preliminary motion under § 1.633(c) shall explain why the interfering subject matter should be redefined.

    (1) A preliminary motion seeking to add or substitute a count shall:

    (i) Propose each count to be added or substituted.

    (ii) When the moving party is an applicant, show the patentability to the applicant of all claims in, or proposed to be added to, the party's application which correspond to each proposed count and apply the terms of the claims to the disclosure of the party's application; when necessary a moving party applicant shall file with the motion an amendment adding any proposed claim to the application.

    (iii) Identify all claims in an opponent's application which should be designated to correspond to each proposed count; if an opponent's application does not contain such a claim, the moving party shall propose a claim to be added to the opponent's application. The moving party shall show the patentability of any proposed claims to the opponent and apply the terms of the claims to the disclosure of the opponent's application.

    (iv) Designate the claims of any patent involved in the interference which define the same patentable invention as each proposed count.

    (v) Show that each proposed count defines a separate patentable invention from every other count proposed to remain in the interference.

    (vi) Be accompanied by a motion under § 1.633(f) requesting the benefit of the filing date of any earlier filed application, if benefit of the earlier filed application is desired with respect to a proposed count.

    (vii) If an opponent is accorded the benefit of the filing date of an earlier filed application in the notice of declaration of the interference, show why the opponent is not also entitled to benefit of the earlier filed application with respect to the proposed count. Otherwise, the opponent will be presumed to be entitled to the benefit of the earlier filed application with respect to the proposed count.

    (2) A preliminary motion seeking to amend an application claim corresponding to a count or adding a claim to be designated to correspond to a count shall:

    (i) Propose an amended or added claim.

    (ii) Show that the claim proposed to be amended or added defines the same patentable invention as the count.

    (iii) Show the patentability to the applicant of each claim proposed to be amended or added and apply the terms of the claim proposed to be amended or added to the disclosure of the application; when necessary a moving party applicant shall file with the motion a proposed amendment to the application amending the claim corresponding to the count or adding the proposed additional claim to the application.

    (3) A preliminary motion seeking to designate an application or patent claim to correspond to a count shall:

    (i) Identify the claim and the count.

    (ii) Show the claim defines the same patentable invention as another claim whose designation as corresponding to the count the moving party does not dispute.

    (4) A preliminary motion seeking to designate an application or patent claim as not corresponding to a count shall:

    (i) Identify the claim and the count.

    (ii) Show that the claim does not defined the same patentable invention as any other claim whose designation in the notice declaring the interference as corresponding to the count the party does not dispute.

    (5) A preliminary motion seeking to require an opponent who is an applicant to add a claim and designate the claim as corresponding to a count shall:

    (i) Propose a claim to be added by the opponent.

    (ii) Show the patentability to the opponent of the claim and apply the terms of the claim to the disclosure of the opponent's application.

    (iii) Identify the count to which the claim shall be designated to correspond.

    (iv) Show the claim defines the same patentable invention as the count to which it will be designated to correspond.

    (d) A preliminary motion under § 1.633(d) to substitute a different application of the moving party shall:

    (1) Identify the different application.

    (2) Certify that a complete copy of the file of the different application, except for documents filed under § 1.131 or § 1.608, has been served on all opponents.

    (3) Show the patentability to the applicant of all claims in, or proposed to be added to, the different application which correspond to each count and apply the terms of the claims to the disclosure of the different application; when necessary the applicant shall file with the motion an amendment adding a claim to the different application.

    (e) A preliminary motion to declare an additional interference under § 1.633(e) shall explain why an additional interference is necessary.

    (1) When the preliminary motion seeks an additional interference under § 1.633(e)(1), the motion shall:

    (i) Identify the additional application.

    (ii) Certify that a complete copy of the file of the additional application, except for documents filed under § 1.131 or § 1.608, has been served on all opponents.

    (iii) Propose a count for the additional interference.

    (iv) Show the patentability to the applicant of all claims in, or proposed to be added to, the additional application which correspond to each proposed count for the additional interference and apply the terms of the claims to the disclosure of the additional application; when necessary the applicant shall file with the motion an amendment adding any claim to the additional application.

    (v) When the opponent is an applicant, show the patentability to the opponent of any claims in, or proposed to be added to, the opponent's application which correspond to the proposed count and apply the terms of the claims to the disclosure of the opponent's application.

    (vi) Identify all claims in the opponent's application or patent which should be designated to correspond to each proposed count; if the opponent's application does not contain any such claim, the motion shall propose a claim to be added to the opponent's application.

    (vii) Show that each proposed count for the additional interference defines a separate patentable invention from all counts of the interference in which the motion is filed.

    (viii) Be accompanied by a motion under § 1.633(f) requesting the benefit of the filing date of an earlier filed application, if benefit is desired with respect to a proposed count.

    (ix) If an opponent is accorded the benefit of the filing date of an earlier filed application in the notice of declaration of the interference, show why the opponent is not also entitled to benefit of the earlier filed application with respect to the proposed count. Otherwise, the opponent will be presumed to be entitled to the benefit of the earlier filed application with respect to the proposed count.

    (2) When the preliminary motion seeks an additional interference under § 1.633(e)(2), the motion shall:

    (i) Identify any application or patent to be involved in the additional interference.

    (ii) Propose a count for the additional interference.

    (iii) When the moving party is an applicant, show the patentability to the applicant of all claims in, or proposed to be added to, the party's application which correspond to each proposed count and apply the terms of the claims to the disclosure of the party's application; when necessary a moving party applicant shall file with the motion an amendment adding any proposed claim to the application.

    (iv) Identify all claims in any opponent's application which should be designated to correspond to each proposed count; if an opponent's application does not contain such a claim, the moving party shall propose a claim to be added to the opponent's application. The moving party shall show the patentability of any proposed claim to the opponent and apply the terms of the claim to the disclosure of the opponent's application.

    (v) Designate the claims of any patent involved in the interference which define the same patentable invention as each proposed count.

    (vi) Show that each proposed count for the additional interference defines a separate patentable invention from all counts in the interference in which the motion is filed.

    (vii) Be accompanied by a motion under § 1.633(f) requesting the benefit of the filing date of an earlier filed application, if benefit is desired with respect to a proposed count.

    (viii) If an opponent is accorded the benefit of the filing date of an earlier filed application in the notice of declaration of the interference, show why the opponent is not also entitled to benefit of the earlier filed application with respect to the proposed count. Otherwise, the opponent will be presumed to be entitled to the benefit of the earlier filed application with respect to the proposed count.

    (f) A preliminary motion for benefit under § 1.633(f) shall:

    (1) Identify the earlier application.

    (2) When an earlier application is an application filed in the United States, certify that a complete copy of the file of the earlier application, except for documents filed under § 1.131 or § 1.608, has been served on all opponents. When the earlier application is an application filed in a foreign country, certify that a copy of the application has been served on all opponents. If the earlier filed application is not in English, the requirements of § 1.647 must also be met.

    (3) Show that the earlier application constitutes a constructive reduction to practice of each count.

    (g) A preliminary motion to attack benefit under § 1.633(g) shall explain, as to each count, why an opponent should not be accorded the benefit of the filing date of the earlier application.

    (h) A preliminary motion to add an application for reissue under § 1.633(h) shall:

    (1) Identify the application for reissue.

    (2) Certify that a complete copy of the file of the application for reissue has been served on all opponents.

    (3) Show the patentability of all claims in, or proposed to be added to, the application for reissue which correspond to each count and apply the terms of the claims to the disclosure of the application for reissue; when necessary a moving applicant for reissue shall file with the motion an amendment adding any proposed claim to the application for reissue.

    (4) Be accompanied by a motion under § 1.633(f) requesting the benefit of the filing date of any earlier filed application, if benefit is desired.