§ 1.653 - Record and exhibits.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Testimony shall consist of affidavits under §§ 1.672 (b), (c) and (g), 1.682(c), 1.683(b) and 1.688(b), transcripts of depositions under §§ 1.671(g) and 1.672(a) when a deposition is authorized by an administrative patent judge, transcripts of depositions under §§ 1.672(d), 1.682(d), 1.683(c) and 1.688(c), agreed statements under § 1.672(h), transcripts of interrogatories, cross-interrogatories, and recorded answers and copies of written interrogatories and answers and written requests for admissions and answers under § 1.688(a).

    (b) An affidavit shall be filed as set forth in § 1.677. A certified transcript of a deposition, including a deposition cross-examining an affiant, shall be filed as set forth in §§ 1.676, 1.677 and 1.678. An original agreed statement shall be filed as set forth in § 1.672(h).

    (c) In addition to the items specified in paragraph (b) of this section and within a time set by an administrative patent judge, each party shall file three copies and serve one copy of a record consisting of:

    (1) An index of the names of the witnesses for the party, giving the pages of the record where the direct testimony and cross-examination of each witness begins.

    (2) An index of exhibits briefly describing the nature of each exhibit and giving the page of the record where each exhibit is first identified and offered into evidence.

    (3) The count or counts.

    (4) Each affidavit by a witness for the party, transcript, including transcripts of cross-examination of any affiant who testified for the party and transcripts of compelled deposition testimony by a witness for the party, agreed statement relied upon by the party, and transcript of interrogatories, cross-interrogatories and recorded answers.

    (5) [Reserved]

    (6) Any evidence from another interference, proceeding, or action relied upon by the party under § 1.683.

    (7) Each request for an admission and the admission and each written interrogatory and the answer upon which a party intends to rely under § 1.688.

    (d) The pages of the record shall be consecutively numbered to the extent possible.

    (e) The name of each witness shall appear at the top of each page of each affidavit or transcript.

    (f) [Reserved]

    (g) The record may be produced by standard typographical printing or by any other process capable of producing a clear black permanent image. All printed matter except on covers must appear in at least 11 point type on opaque, unglazed paper. Footnotes may not be printed in type smaller than 9 point. The page size shall be 21.8 by 27.9 cm. (81/2 by 11 inches) (letter size) with printed matter 16.5 by 24.1 cm. (61/2 by 91/2 inches). The record shall be bound with covers at their left edges in such manner as to lie flat when open to any page and in one or more volumes of convenient size (approximately 100 pages per volume is suggested). When there is more than one volume, the numbers of the pages contained in each volume shall appear at the top of the cover for each volume.

    (h) [Reserved]

    (i) Each party shall file its exhibits with the record specified in paragraph (c) of this section. Exhibits include documents and things identified in affidavits or on the record during the taking of oral depositions as well as official records and publications filed by the party under § 1.682(a). One copy of each documentary exhibit shall be served. Documentary exhibits shall be filed in an envelope or folder and shall not be bound as part of the record. Physical exhibits, if not filed by an officer under § 1.676(d), shall be filed with the record. Each exhibit shall contain a label which identifies the party submitting the exhibit and an exhibit number, the style of the interference (e.g., Jones v. Smith), and the interference number. Where possible, the label should appear at the bottom right-hand corner of each documentary exhibit. Upon termination of an interference, an administrative patent judge may return an exhibit to the party filing the exhibit. When any exhibit is returned, an order shall be entered indicating that the exhibit has been returned.

    (j) Any testimony, record, or exhibit which does not comply with this section may be returned under § 1.618(a).