§ 1.662 - Request for entry of adverse judgment; reissue filed by patentee.  

Latest version.
  • (a) A party may, at any time during an interference, request and agree to entry of an adverse judgment. The filing by a party of a written disclaimer of the invention defined by a count, concession of priority or unpatentability of the subject matter of a count, abandonment of the invention defined by a count, or abandonment of the contest as to a count will be treated as a request for entry of an adverse judgment against the applicant or patentee as to all claims which correspond to the count. Abandonment of an application, other than an application for reissue having a claim of the patent sought to be reissued involved in the interference, will be treated as a request for entry of an adverse judgment against the applicant as to all claims corresponding to all counts. Upon the filing by a party of a request for entry of an adverse judgment, the Board may enter judgment against the party.

    (b) If a patentee involved in an interference files an application for reissue during the interference and the reissue application does not include a claim that corresponds to a count, judgment may be entered against the patentee. A patentee who files an application for reissue which includes a claim that corresponds to a count shall, in addition to complying with the provisions of § 1.660(b), timely file a preliminary motion under § 1.633(h) or show good cause why the motion could not have been timely filed or would not be appropriate.

    (c) The filing of a statutory disclaimer under 35 U.S.C. 253 by a patentee will delete any statutorily disclaimed claims from being involved in the interference. A statutory disclaimer will not be treated as a request for entry of an adverse judgment against the patentee unless it results in the deletion of all patent claims corresponding to a count.