§ 1.683 - Testimony in another interference, proceeding, or action.  

Latest version.
  • (a) A party may introduce into evidence, if otherwise admissible, testimony by affidavit or oral deposition and referenced exhibits from another interference, proceeding, or action involving the same parties by filing a copy of the affidavit or a copy of the transcript of the oral deposition and the referenced exhibits. If the testimony and referenced exhibits relate to the party's case-in-chief, they shall be filed together with any affidavits served by the party under § 1.672(b) for its case-in-chief or, if the party does not file any affidavits under § 1.672(b) for its case-in-chief, no later than the date set by an administrative patent judge for the party to file affidavits under § 1.672(b) for its case-in-chief. If the testimony and referenced exhibits relate to rebuttal, they shall be filed together with any affidavits served by the party under § 1.672(b) for its case-in-rebuttal or, if the party does not file any affidavits under § 1.672(b) for its case-in-rebuttal, no later than the date set by an administrative patent judge for the party to file affidavits under § 1.672(b) for its case-in-rebuttal. Pages of affidavits and deposition transcripts served under this paragraph and any new exhibits served therewith shall be assigned sequential numbers by the party in the manner set forth in § 1.672(b). The testimony shall be accompanied by a paper which specifies with particularity the exact testimony to be used and demonstrates its relevance.

    (b) Unless otherwise ordered by an administrative patent judge, any written objection by an opponent to the paper or the admissibility of the testimony and referenced exhibits filed under this section shall be filed no later than the date set by the administrative patent judge for the opponent to file any objections under § 1.672(c) to affidavits submitted by the party under § 1.672(b). An opponent who fails to challenge the admissibility of the testimony or referenced exhibits on a ground that could have been raised in a timely objection under this paragraph will not be entitled to move under § 1.656(h) to suppress the evidence on that ground. If an opponent timely files an objection, the party may respond with one or more supplemental affidavits, official records or printed publications, which must be filed together with any supplemental evidence filed by the party under § 1.672(c) or, if the party does not file any supplemental evidence under § 1.672(c), no later than the date set by an administrative patent judge for the party to file supplemental evidence under § 1.672(c). No objection to the admissibility of the evidence contained in or submitted with a supplemental affidavit shall be made, except as provided by § 1.656(h). The pages of supplemental affidavits and the exhibits filed under this section shall be sequentially numbered by the party in the manner set forth in § 1.672(c). The supplemental affidavits and exhibits shall be accompanied by an index of witnesses and an index of exhibits of the type required by § 1.672(b).

    (c) Any request by an opponent to cross-examine on oral deposition the affiant of an affidavit or supplemental affidavit submitted under paragraph (a) or (b) of this section shall be filed no later than the date set by the administrative patent judge for the opponent to file a request to cross-examine an affiant with respect to an affidavit filed by the party under § 1.672 (b) or (c). If any opponent requests cross-examination of an affiant, the party shall file a notice of deposition for a reasonable location within the United States under § 1.673(e) for the purpose of cross-examination by any opponent. Any redirect and recross shall take place at the deposition. At any deposition for the purpose of cross-examination of a witness, the party shall not be entitled to rely on any document or thing not mentioned in one or more of the affidavits filed under this paragraph, except to the extent necessary to conduct proper redirect. The party who gives notice of a deposition shall be responsible for providing a translator if the witness does not testify in English, for obtaining a court reporter, and for filing a certified transcript of the deposition as required by § 1.676. Within 45 days of the close of the period for taking cross-examination, the party shall serve (but not file) a copy of each deposition transcript on each opponent together with copies of any additional documentary exhibits identified by the witness during the deposition. The pages of deposition transcripts and exhibits served under this paragraph shall be sequentially numbered by the party in the manner set forth in § 1.672(d). The deposition transcripts shall be accompanied by an index of the names of the witnesses, giving the number of the page where cross-examination, redirect and recross of each witness begins, and an index of exhibits of the type specified in § 1.672(b).