§ 1.965 - Appellant's brief in inter partes reexamination.  

Latest version.
  • (a)Appellant(s) may once, within time limits for filing set forth in § 1.963, file a brief in triplicate and serve the brief on all other parties to the inter partes reexamination proceeding in accordance with § 1.903. The brief must be signed by the appellant, or the appellant's duly authorized attorney or agent and must be accompanied by the requisite fee set forth in § 1.17(c). The brief must set forth the authorities and arguments on which appellant will rely to maintain the appeal. Any arguments or authorities not included in the brief will be refused consideration by the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences, unless good cause is shown.

    (b) A party's appeal shall stand dismissed upon failure of that party to file an appellant's brief, accompanied by the requisite fee, within the time allowed.

    (c) The appellant's brief shall contain the following items under appropriate headings and in the order indicated below, unless the brief is filed by a party who is not represented by a registered practitioner. The brief may include an appendix containing only those portions of the record on which reliance has been made.

    (1) Real Party in Interest. A statement identifying the real party in interest.

    (2) Related Appeals and Interferences. A statement identifying by number and filing date all other appeals or interferences known to the appellant, the appellant's legal representative, or assignee which will directly affect or be directly affected by or have a bearing on the decision of the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences in the pending appeal.

    (3) Status of Claims. A statement of the status of all the claims, pending or canceled. If the appellant is the patent owner, the appellant must also identify the rejected claims whose rejection is being appealed. If the appellant is a third party requester, the appellant must identify the claims that the examiner has made a determination favorable to patentability, which determination is being appealed.

    (4) Status of Amendments. A statement of the status of any amendment filed subsequent to the close of prosecution.

    (5) Summary of Invention. A concise explanation of the invention or subject matter defined in the claims involved in the appeal, which shall refer to the specification by column and line number, and to the drawing(s), if any, by reference characters.

    (6) Issues. A concise statement of the issues presented for review. No new ground of rejection can be proposed by a third party requester appellant.

    (7) Grouping of Claims. If the appellant is the patent owner, for each ground of rejection in the Right of Appeal Notice which appellant contests and which applies to a group of two or more claims, the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences shall select a single claim from the group and shall decide the appeal as to the ground of rejection on the basis of that claim alone unless a statement is included that the claims of the group do not stand or fall together; and, in the argument under paragraph (c)(8) of this section, appellant explains why the claims of this group are believed to be separately patentable. Merely pointing out differences in what the claims cover is not an argument as to why the claims are separately patentable.

    (8) Argument. The contentions of appellant with respect to each of the issues presented for review in paragraph (c)(6) of this section, and the bases therefor, with citations of the authorities, statutes, and parts of the record relied on. Each issue should be treated under a separate, numbered heading.

    (i) For each rejection under 35 U.S.C. 112, first paragraph, or for each determination favorable to patentability, including a determination not to make a proposed rejection under 35 U.S.C. 112, first paragraph, which appellant contests, the argument shall specify the errors in the rejection or the determination and how the first paragraph of 35 U.S.C. 112 is complied with, if the appellant is the patent owner, or is not complied with, if the appellant is a third party requester, including, as appropriate, how the specification and drawing(s), if any,

    (A) Describe, if the appellant is the patent owner, or fail to describe, if the appellant is a third party requester, the subject matter defined by each of the appealed claims; and

    (B) Enable, if the appellant is the patent owner, or fail to enable, if the appellant is a third party requester, any person skilled in the art to make and use the subject matter defined by each of the appealed claims.

    (ii) For each rejection under 35 U.S.C. 112, second paragraph, or for each determination favorable to patentability including a determination not to make a proposed rejection under 35 U.S.C. 112, second paragraph, which appellant contests, the argument shall specify the errors in the rejection, if the appellant is the patent owner, or the determination, if the appellant is a third party requester, and how the claims do, if the appellant is the patent owner, or do not, if the appellant is a third party requester, particularly point out and distinctly claim the subject matter which the inventor regards as the invention.

    (iii) For each rejection under 35 U.S.C. 102 or for each determination favorable to patentability including a determination not to make a proposed rejection under 35 U.S.C. 102 which appellant contests, the argument shall specify the errors in the rejection, if the appellant is the patent owner, or determination, if the appellant is a third party requester, and why the appealed claims are, if the appellant is the patent owner, or are not, if the appellant is a third party requester, patentable under 35 U.S.C. 102, including any specific limitations in the appealed claims which are or are not described in the prior art.

    (iv) For each rejection under 35 U.S.C. 103 or for each determination favorable to patentability, including a determination not to make a proposed rejection under 35 U.S.C. 103 which appellant contests, the argument shall specify the errors in the rejection, if the appellant is the patent owner, or determination, if the appellant is a third party requester. If appropriate, also state the specific limitations in the appealed claims which are or are not described in the prior art and explain how such limitations render the claimed subject matter obvious, if the appellant is a third party requester, or unobvious, if the appellant is the patent owner, over the prior art. If the rejection or determination is based upon a combination of references, the argument shall explain why the references, taken as a whole, do or do not suggest the claimed subject matter. The argument should include, as may be appropriate, an explanation of why features disclosed in one reference may or may not properly be combined with features disclosed in another reference. A general argument that all the limitations are or are not described in a single reference does not satisfy the requirements of this paragraph.

    (v) For any rejection other than those referred to in paragraphs (c)(8)(i) to (iv) of this section or for each determination favorable to patentability, including any determination not to make a proposed rejection other than those referred to in paragraphs (c)(8)(i) to (iv) of this section which appellant contests, the argument shall specify the errors in the rejection, if the appellant is the patent owner, or determination, if the appellant is a third party requester, and the specific limitations in the appealed claims, if appropriate, or other reasons, which cause the rejection or determination to be in error.

    (9) Appendix. An appendix containing a copy of the claims appealed by the appellant.

    (10) Certificate of Service. A certification that a copy of the brief has been served in its entirety on all other parties to the reexamination proceeding. The names and addresses of the parties served must be indicated.

    (d) If a brief is filed which does not comply with all the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (c) of this section, appellant will be notified of the reasons for non-compliance and provided with a non-extendable period of one month within which to file an amended brief. If the appellant does not file an amended brief during the one-month period, or files an amended brief which does not overcome all the reasons for non-compliance stated in the notification, that appellant's appeal will stand dismissed.