Subpart F - Adjustment and Extension of Patent Term  

Extension of Patent Term Due to Regulatory Review
§ 1.710 - Patents subject to extension of the patent term.
§ 1.720 - Conditions for extension of patent term.
§ 1.730 - Applicant for extension of patent term; signature requirements.
§ 1.740 - Formal requirements for application for extension of patent term; correction of informalities.
§ 1.741 - Complete application given a filing date; petition procedure.
§ 1.750 - Determination of eligibility for extension of patent term.
§ 1.760 - Interim extension of patent term under 35 U.S.C. 156(e)(2).
§ 1.765 - Duty of disclosure in patent term extension proceedings.
§ 1.770 - Express withdrawal of application for extension of patent term.
§ 1.775 - Calculation of patent term extension for a human drug, antibiotic drug or human biological product.
§ 1.776 - Calculation of patent term extension for a food additive or color additive.
§ 1.777 - Calculation of patent term extension for a medical device.
§ 1.778 - Calculation of patent term extension for an animal drug product.
§ 1.779 - Calculation of patent term extension for a veterinary biological product.
§ 1.780 - Certificate or order of extension of patent term.
§ 1.785 - Multiple applications for extension of term of the same patent or of different patents for the same regulatory review period for a product.
§ 1.790 - Interim extension of patent term under 35 U.S.C. 156(d)(5).
§ 1.791 - Termination of interim extension granted prior to regulatory approval of a product for commercial marketing or use.
Adjustment of Patent Term Due to Examination Delay
§ 1.701 - Extension of patent term due to examination delay under the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (original applications, other than designs, filed on or after June 8, 1995, and before May 29, 2000).
§ 1.702 - Grounds for adjustment of patent term due to examination delay under the Patent Term Guarantee Act of 1999 (original applications, other than designs, filed on or after May 29, 2000).
§ 1.703 - Period of adjustment of patent term due to examination delay.
§ 1.704 - Reduction of period of adjustment of patent term.
§ 1.705 - Patent term adjustment determination.