§ 10.6 - Registration of attorneys and agents.  

Latest version.
  • Link to an amendment published at 69 FR 35452, June 24, 2004.

    (a) Attorneys. Any citizen of the United States who is an attorney and who fulfills the requirements of this part may be registered as a patent attorney to practice before the Office. When appropriate, any alien who is an attorney, who lawfully resides in the United States, and who fulfills the requirements of this part may be registered as a patent attorney to practice before the Office, provided: Registration is not inconsistent with the terms upon which the alien was admitted to, and resides in, the United States and further provided: The alien may remain registered only (1) if the alien continues to lawfully reside in the United States and registration does not become inconsistent with the terms upon which the alien continues to lawfully reside in the United States or (2) if the alien ceases to reside in the United States, the alien is qualified to be registered under paragraph (c) of this section. See also § 10.9(b).

    (b) Agents. Any citizen of the United States who is not an attorney and who fulfills the requirements of this part may be registered as a patent agent to practice before the Office. When appropriate, any alien who is not an attorney, who lawfully resides in the United States, and who fulfills the requirements of this part may be registered as a patent agent to practice before the Office, provided: Registration is not inconsistent with the terms upon which the alien was admitted to, and resides in, the United States, and further provided: The alien may remain registered only (1) if the alien continues to lawfully reside in the United States and registration does not become inconsistent with the terms upon which the alien continues to lawfully reside in the United States or (2) if the alien ceases to reside in the United States, the alien is qualified to be registered under paragraph (c) of this section. See also § 10.9(b).


    All individuals registered prior to November 15, 1938, were registered as attorneys, whether they were attorneys or not, and such registrations have not been changed.

    (c) Foreigners. Any foreigner not a resident of the United States who shall file proof to the satisfaction of the Director that he or she is registered and in good standing before the patent office of the country in which he or she resides and practices and who is possessed of the qualifications stated in § 10.7, may be registered as a patent agent to practice before the Office for the limited purpose of presenting and prosecuting patent applications of applicants located in such country, provided: The patent office of such country allows substantially reciprocal privileges to those admitted to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Registration as a patent agent under this paragraph shall continue only during the period that the conditions specified in this paragraph obtain.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0651-0012) Effective Date Note:

    At 69 FR 35452, June 24, 2004, § 10.6 was removed and reserved, effective July 26, 2004.