§ 0.735-1 - Agency ethics officials.  

Latest version.
  • § 0.735-1 Agency ethics officials.

    (a) Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO). The Assistant General Counsel (023) is the designated agency ethics official (DAEO) for the Department of Veterans Affairs. The Deputy Assistant General Counsel (023C) is the alternate DAEO, who is designated to act in the DAEO's absence. The DAEO has primary responsibility for the administration, coordination, and management of the VA ethics program, pursuant to 5 CFR 2638.201–204. Secretary will designate attorneys from the Office of General Counsel to serve as the Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO) and Alternate Designated Agency Ethics Official (ADAEO).

    (b) Deputy ethics officials.

    (1) The Regional Counsel are deputy ethics officialsDistrict Chief Counsels and attorneys on the Ethics Specialty Team are Deputy Ethics Officials. They have been delegated the authority to act for the DAEO within their jurisdiction, under the DAEO's supervision, pursuant to 5 CFR 2638.204104(e).

    (2) The alternate DAEO, the DAEO's staff, and staff in the Offices of Regional Counsel, Other officials may also act as deputy ethics Deputy Ethics officials pursuant to delegations of one or more of the DAEO's duties from the DAEO or the Regional Counsel.

    [58 FR 61813, Nov. 23, 1993. Redesignated at 61 FR 11309, Mar. 20, 1996; 89 FR 15451, Mar. 4, 2024]