Subpart G - Representation  

§ 20.600 - Rule 600. Applicability.
§ 20.601 - Rule 601. Methods by which hearings in legacy appeals are conducted; scheduling and notice provisions for such hearings.
§ 20.602 - Rule 602. When a hearing before the Board of Veterans' Appeals may be requested in a legacy appeal; procedure for requesting a change in method of hearing.
§ 20.603 - Rule 603. Scheduling and notice of hearings conducted by the Board of Veterans' Appeals at Department of Veterans Affairs field facilities in a legacy appeal.
§ 20.604 - Rule 604. Designation of Member or Members to conduct the hearing in a legacy appeal.
§ 20.605 - Rule 605. Procurement of additional evidence following a hearing in a legacy appeal.
§ 20.606 - Rule 606. Legal interns, law students and paralegals.
§ 20.607 - Rule 607. Revocation of a representative's authority to act.
§ 20.608 - Rule 608. Withdrawal of services by a representative.
§ 20.609 - Rule 609. Payment of representative's fees in proceedings before Department of Veterans Affairs field personnel and before the Board of Veterans' Appeals.
§ 20.610 - Rule 610. Payment of representative's expenses in proceedings before Department of Veterans Affairs field personnel and before the Board of Veterans' Appeals.
§ 20.611 - Rule 611. Continuation of representation following death of a claimant or appellant.
§§ 20.601--20.607 - [Reserved]
§§ 20.612--20.699 - [Reserved]
§§ 20.606--20.699 - [Reserved]