§ 74.5 - How does CVE determine affiliation?

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  • § 74.5 How does CVE determine affiliation?

    Cross Reference
    Link to an amendment published at

    (a) CVE does not determine affiliation. Affiliation is determined by the SBA in accordance with 13 CFR part 121.

    (b) Joint ventures may apply for inclusion in the VIP Verification Program. To be eligible for inclusion in the VIP Verification Program, a joint venture must demonstrate that:

    (1) The underlying VOSB upon which eligibility is based is verified in accordance with this part; and

    (2) The joint venture agreement complies with the requirements set forth in 13 CFR part 125 for SDVOSBs. However, while 13 CFR part 125 is limited to SDVOSBs, CVE will apply the same requirements to joint venture firms seeking verified VOSB status.

    [83 FR 48230, Sept. 24, 2018


    The Center for Veterans Enterprise applies the affiliation rules established by the Small Business Administration in 13 CFR part 121.
