Part 79 - Legal Services for Homeless Veterans and Veterans At-Risk for Homelessness Grant Program  

§ 79.0 - Purpose and scope.
§ 79.5 - Definitions.
§ 79.10 - Eligible entities.
§ 79.15 - Eligible veterans.
§ 79.20 - Legal services.
§ 79.25 - Applications for legal services grants.
§ 79.30 - Threshold requirements prior to scoring legal services grant applicants.
§ 79.35 - Scoring criteria for legal services grant applicants.
§ 79.40 - Selection of grantees.
§ 79.45 - Scoring criteria for grantees applying for renewal of legal services grants.
§ 79.50 - Selecting grantees for renewal of legal services grants.
§ 79.55 - General operation requirements.
§ 79.60 - Fee prohibition.
§ 79.65 - Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
§ 79.70 - Legal services grant agreements.
§ 79.75 - Program or budget changes and corrective action plans.
§ 79.80 - Faith-based organizations.
§ 79.85 - Visits to monitor operations and compliance.
§ 79.90 - Financial management and administrative costs.
§ 79.95 - Grantee reporting requirements.
§ 79.100 - Recordkeeping.
§ 79.105 - Technical assistance.
§ 79.110 - Withholding, suspension, deobligation, termination, and recovery of funds by VA.
§ 79.115 - Legal services grant closeout procedures.