Appendix A to Part 3020 - Pro Forma N-Case Procedural Schedule  

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  • Appendix A to Part 3020 - Pro Forma N-Case Procedural Schedule

    Line Action Day number
    1 Pre-Filing Consultations1 n/a.
    2 Commission Order2 n/a.
    3 Filing of Postal Service Request 0.
    4 Commission Notice and Order3 1-3.
    5 Technical Conference 10.
    6 Participant Discovery on Postal Service Case Ends 28.
    7 Responses to Participant Discovery on Postal Service Case 35.
    8 Participants Confirm Intent to File a Rebuttal Case 37.4
    9 Filing of Rebuttal Cases (if submitted) 42.
    10 Deadline for Motions to Leave to File Surrebuttal 44.5
    11 Deadline for Answers to Motions for Surrebuttal 46.
    12 Filing of Surrebuttal Cases (if authorized) 49.6
    13 Hearings:
    Hearings (with no Rebuttal Cases) 42-44.
    Hearings (with Rebuttal Cases, but no requests for leave to file Surrebuttal Cases) 49-51.
    Hearings (with Rebuttal Cases and requests for leave to file Surrebuttal Cases) 54-56.
    14 Initial Briefs (7 days after conclusion of hearings).
    15 Reply Briefs (7 days after filing of Initial Briefs).
    16 Target Issuance Date of Advisory Opinion 90.