§ 221.8 - Officers.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Except for the Chief Postal Inspector, officers serve at the pleasure of the Postmaster General. The following officers are appointed by the Postmaster General:

    (1) Associate Postmaster General;

    (2) Senior Assistant Postmasters General;

    (3) Assistant Postmasters General;

    (4) The General Counsel and Deputy General Counsel;

    (5) The Consumer Advocate;

    (6) The Chief Postal Inspector;

    (7) The Judicial Officer;

    (8) The Executive Assistant to the Postmaster General;

    (9) The Treasurer; and

    (10) The Regional Postmasters General.

    (b) The number of SAPMGs and APMGs is set by resolution of the Board of Governors.

    (c) The Postmaster General, in consultation with the Governors of the Postal Service, shall appoint the Chief Postal Inspector. With the concurrence of the Governors of the Postal Service, the Postmaster General may remove the Chief Postal Inspector or transfer the Chief Postal Inspector to another position or location in the Postal Service. If the Chief Postal Inspector is removed or transferred, the Postmaster General shall promptly notify both House of Congress in writing of the reasons for such removal or transfer.