§ 222.5 - Authority to approve personnel actions and administer oaths of office for employment.  

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  • (a) Delegation. The following are authorized to effect appointments, administer oaths of office for employment, and take other personnel actions:

    (1) Senior Assistant Postmaster General, Human Resources, Assistant Postmasters General, Employee Relations Department and Labor Relations Department;

    (2) Chief Postal Inspector;

    (3) Regional Chief Postal Inspectors;

    (4) Postal Inspectors-in-Charge;

    (5) Regional Postmasters General;

    (6) Heads of postal field installations including those reporting directly to specified departments in Headquarters or to Regional Postmasters General;

    (7) Officials occupying personnel services positions EAS-15 and above, when their positions include responsibility for functions such as recruitment, appointments, replacements, position changes and separations, and related personnel processing.

    (b) Personnel actions for employees of “other installations.” As specifically authorized by either the Senior Assistant Postmaster General, Human Resources or a Regional Postmaster General, officers and employees listed in paragraph (a) of this section may approve personnel actions for employees in offices or installations other than their own as a cross-service, as a central personnel office, or on a special need basis.

    (c) Transfers of accountability. In addition to other personnel authorized under this section, associate office coordinators at field divisions and management sectional centers may administer oaths of office for employment at any post office in conjunction with transfers of accountability of postmasters.